Canada Licensing Information
Notice to Users (Industry Canada)
The operation of your Motorola Solutions radio is subject to the
Radiocommunications Act and must comply with rules and regulations of the Federal
Government's department of Industry Canada. Industry Canada requires that all
operators using Private Land Mobile frequencies obtain a radio license before
operating their equipment.
The License Application
8. Fill in the items as per the instructions. If you need additional space for any item
use the reverse side of the application.
9. Be sure to print legibly.
10. Make a copy for your files.
11. Prepare a cheque or money made out to the "Receiver General for Canada", for
an amount, which is on the following schedule, for each radio purchased.
(License is renewed on April 1st each year, and issued for a period of 12 months).
12. Mail your completed application, along with your cheque or money order to the
closest Industry Canada District office, according to the list on pages.
To obtain the latest Canadian License Application form, please go to