
Liens rapides

shock AbsorbINg lANyArd
shock AbsorbINg lANyArd
National Standards and state, provincial and federal laws require the user to be trained before using this product. Use this manual as part of
a user safety training program that is appropriate for the user's occupation. These instructions must be provided to users before use, and
retained for ready reference by the user. The user must read, understand (or have explained) and heed all instructions, labels, markings and
warnings supplied with this product and with those products intended for use in association with it. FailUre To do So may reSUlT iN
SerioUS iNjUry or deaTh.
cuerdA AMortIguAdorA de IMPActos
cuerdA AMortIguAdorA de IMPActos
Tanto las normas nacionales como las leyes estatales, provinciales y federales, exigen que se capacite al usuario antes de usar este producto.
Utilice este manual como parte de un programa de capacitacin sobre normas de seguridad que resulte acorde a las tareas desempeadas
por el usuario. los usuarios debern disponer de estas instrucciones antes de utilizar este producto. las mismas debern estar siempre a su
disposicin para servirle como referencia. el usuario deber leer, comprender (o solicitar que se le expliquen) y prestar atencin a todas las
instrucciones, etiquetas, marcas y advertencias que acompaan a este producto; lo mismo se aplica a aquellos productos que se utilicen en
asociacin con l. el iNCUmPlimieNTo de eSTa oBliGaCiN Podra ProVoCar leSioNeS GraVeS o iNClUSiVe la mUerTe.
les normes nationales ainsi que les lois fdrales et provinciales exigent que l'utilisateur reoive la formation ncessaire avant d'utiliser
ce produit. Utiliser ce manuel dans le cadre d'un programme de formation sur la scurit correspondant  la profession de l'utilisateur. Ces
instructions doivent tre fournies aux utilisateurs avant qu'ils ne commencent  utiliser le produit, et laisses  leur disposition pour consulta-
tion future. l'utilisateur doit lire ou se faire expliquer les instructions, les marques et les avertissements relatifs  ce produit et aux produits
associs ; il doit bien les comprendre et s'y conformer. ToUTe NGliGeNCe  Ce SUjeT PrSeNTe UN riSQUe de BleSSUre GraVe oU
UN daNGer de morT.
TWP 606 (L) Rev. 5
user INstructIoNs
user INstructIoNs
INstruccIoNes PArA el usuArIo
INstruccIoNes PArA el usuArIo
INstructIoNs d'utIlIsAtIoN
cordoN AMortIsseur
! AVertIsseMeNt !
© MSA 2006
Model NuMber/ Modelo NuMero/ N° de ModÈle
Prnt. Spec. 10000005389 (R)
Mat. 10024512
Doc. 10024512


Table des Matières

Sommaire des Matières pour MSA FP DIAMOND

  • Page 1 Model NuMber/ Modelo NuMero/ N° de ModÈle user INstructIoNs FP dIAMoNd ™ user INstructIoNs shock AbsorbINg lANyArd FP dIAMoNd ™ shock AbsorbINg lANyArd ! WArNINg National Standards and state, provincial and federal laws require the user to be trained before using this product. Use this manual as part of a user safety training program that is appropriate for the user's occupation.
  • Page 2: Caractéristiques

    Page  user INstructIoNs n dIAMoNd shock AbsorbINg lANyArd sPecIFIcAtIoNs n The MSA Shock Absorbing Lanyard (except with FP5K snaphook) meets ANSI Z359.1, ANSI A10.14, CSA Z259.11 and applicable OSHA regulations. These instructions, and markings borne by the products, fulfill the instruction and marking requirements of those standards and regulations. n The MSA Shock Absorbing Lanyard with the FP5K snaphook meets ANSI A10.14, and applicable OSHA regulations. n Snaphooks are 100% proof tested to 3,600 lbf (16 kN). Minimum breaking strength is 5,000 lbf (22.2 kN). n FP5K Snaphooks are zinc plated, forged alloy steel and 100% proof tested to 3,600 lbf (16 kN). Minimum breaking strength is 5,000 lbf (22.2 kN). Minimum nose load and side load on the gate is 5,000 lbf (22.2 kN). n The Shock Absorbing Lanyard webbing is 1.63 in (41.4 mm) wide polyester with an abrasion resistant sheath and a shock absorbing core. Minimum breaking strength, when new, is 8,500 lbf (37.8 kN). n Free fall distance (limit) must not exceed 6.0 ft (1.8 m) in accordance with OSHA and ANSI Z359.1. ANSI A10.14 and CSA Z259.11 specifies that free fall distance must not exceed 5 ft (1.5 m). The user must comply with applicable standards and regulations. n When subjected to the force of arresting a fall, the Shock Absorbing Lanyard will elongate up to 42 in (1.1 m). n When used as part of a personal fall arrest system, fall arresting forces permitted by the shock absorber do not exceed 900 lbf (4.0 kN) for all configurations except FP5K snaphook. n When used as part of a personal fall arrest system, fall arresting forces permitted by the shock absorber do not exceed 1800 lbf (8.0 kN) for FP5K snaphook. n Capacity is 310 lbs (140 kg) including weight of the user plus clothing, tools and other user-borne objects. trAININg It is the responsibility of the purchaser of the MSA Shock Absorbing Lanyard to assure that product users are made familiar with these User Instructions and trained by a competent person. Training must be conducted without undue exposure of the trainee to hazards. The effectiveness of training should be periodically assessed (at least annually) and the need for more training or retraining determined. MSA offers training programs. Contact MSA for training information. esPecIFIcAcIoNes La cuerda amortiguadora de impactos MSA (excepto con el gancho de seguridad FP5K) cumple con las normativas estándar ANSI Z359.1, ANSI A10.14 y las normativas OSHA aplicables. Estas instrucciones y las marcas que tienen los productos cumplen con los requisitos de instrucciones y marcas de dichas normas estándar y los reglamentos.
  • Page 3: Sélection Et Applications

    La cuerda amortiguadora de impactos Diamond está diseñada para ser una forma de conexión entre un trabajador que tenga un arnés de seguridad de cuerpo entero y un punto de anclaje de detención de caídas adecuado compatibles. La cuerda Diamond está hecha con un material (en forma de paño tejido) amortiguador de impactos de diseño especial, con ganchos de resorte de cierre y de seguridad automáticos. La cuerda Diamond resistirá hasta 450 libras (2 kN) de carga sin despliegue. Al estar sujeta a las fuerzas de detención de caída o a las fuerzas equivalentes, el recubrimiento de la cuerda se alargará y las fibras internas amortiguarán la mayoría de la carga de impacto. Habrá una señal de advertencia visible para indicar que la cuerda Diamond se ha desplegado. Una vez que se ha desplegado, habrá que dejar de usar dicha cuerda Diamond. seleccIÓN y usos FINes de lA cuerdA AMortIguAdorA de IMPActos rose La cuerda amortiguadora de impactos es un componente de los sistemas personales de detención de caídas. La función para la cual se diseñó la cuerda amortiguadora de impactos consiste en detener una caída desde una cierta altura, disipar la energía acumulada durante la caída y suspender al usuario que se haya caído hasta que sea rescatado. Está conectada entre el anillo D trasero del arnés y un conector de anclaje superior. uso de lA cuerdA AMortIguAdorA de IMPActos MsA El fin de la cuerda amortiguadora de dos patas es permitir que haya una conexión continua (enganche) cuando el usuario se mueva entre dos puntos de anclaje. El gancho de resorte al centro de la cuerda doble deberá estar conectado al elemento sujetador de detención de caída del usuario (anillo D). Los ganchos de resorte en los extremos de las patas de la cuerda deberán estar conectados a puntos de anclaje adecuados, compatibles en tamaño, forma y resistencia. El usuario deberá estar asegurado a un punto de anclaje inicial antes de moverse a un segundo punto de anclaje. Una vez que esté en posición, el usuario conectará la segunda pata de la cuerda Diamond Back doble al punto de anclaje en el trayecto del usuario. Finalmente, el usuario podrá entonces desconectar la cuerda del punto de anclaje inicial para completar el movimiento. descrIPtIoN Le cordon amortisseur Diamond est conçu pour raccorder un ouvrier portant un baudrier complet compatible et un dispositif antichute approprié. Le cordon Diamond comprend un harnais de cordon amortisseur de conception unique équipé de crochets à ressorts à fermeture et à verrouillage automatique. Il résistera à une charge de 2 kN (450 lbf) sans déploiement. Lorsqu’elle est soumise aux forces d’arrêt d’une chute ou à des forces équivalentes, la gaine du cordon s’allonge et les fibres internes absorbent la majeur partie de la surcharge d’impact. Une étiquette d’avertissement sera alors visible pour indiquer que le cordon Diamond a été déployé. Une fois déployé, le cordon Diamond doit être mis hors service. sÉlectIoN et APPlIcAtIoNs FoNctIoNs du cordoN AMortIsseur MsA Le cordon amortisseur fait partie d’un dispositif antichute personnel. La fonction prévue du cordon amortisseur est d’arrêter une chute, de dissiper l’énergie créée pendant la chute et de suspendre l’utilisateur...
  • Page 4: Physical Limitations

    C). Use caution when working around electical hazards, moving machiney and abrasive surfaces. systeMs reQuIreMeNts coMPAtIbIlIty oF coMPoNeNts ANd subsysteMs MSA Shock Absorbing Lanyards are designed to be used with other MSA-approved products. Use of the Shock Absorbing Lanyard with products made by others that are not approved in writing by MSA may adversely affect the functional compatibility between system parts and the safety and reliability of the complete system. Connecting subsystems must be suitable for use in the application (e.g. fall arrest, climbing protection, restraint, rescue or evacuation). Contact MSA with any questions regarding compatibility of equipment used with the Shock Absorbing Lanyard. ¡PrecAucIÓN ! Conecte el gancho de resorte montado en el centro al anillo d trasero del arns. No conecte los ganchos de resorte en los extremos de la pata de la cuerda al soporte de su cuerpo, ya que eso podra incrementar la distancia de cada libre posible a ms de 6 pies (1.8 m).
  • Page 5: Planning The Use Of Systems

    user INstructIoNs n dIAMoNd shock AbsorbINg lANyArd Page 5 MAkINg ProPer coNNectIoNs When using a snaphook to connect to an anchorage or when coupling components of the system together, be certain accidental disengagement ("rollout”) cannot occur. Rollout is possible when interference between a snaphook and the mating connector causes the snaphook’s gate or keeper to accidentally open and release. Rollout occurs when a snaphook is snapped into an undersized ring such as an eye bolt or other non-compatibly shaped connector. Only self-closing, self-locking snaphooks and carabiners should be used to reduce the possibility of rollout when making connections. Do not use snaphooks or connectors that will not completely close over the attachment object. Do not make knots in a lanyard. Do not hook the lanyard back onto itself except with an FP5K Snaphook. Snaphooks and carabiners must not be connected to each other. Do not attach two snaphooks into one D-ring. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions supplied with each system component. ANchorAges ANd ANchorAge coNNectors Anchorages for personal fall arrest systems must have a strength capable of supporting a static load, applied in directions permitted by the system, of at least: (a) 3,600 lbf (16 kN) when certification exists, or (b) 5,000 lbf (22.2 kN) in the absence of certification. See ANSI Z359.1 for definition of certification. When more than one personal fall arrest system is attached to an anchorage, the anchorage strengths set forth in (a) and (b) must be multiplied by the number of systems attached to the anchorage. See ANSI Z359.1, section 7.2.3. This requirement is consistent with OSHA requirements under 20 CFR 1910, Subpart F, Section 1910.66, Appendix C. In addition, it is recommended that the user of personal fall arrest systems refer to ANSI Z359.1, Section 7, for important considerations in equipment selection. PlANNINg the use oF systeMs rescue ANd eVAcuAtIoN The user must have a rescue plan and the means at hand to implement it. The plan must take into account the equipment and special training necessary to effect prompt rescue under all foreseeable condi- tions. If the rescue be from a confined space, the provisions of OSHA regulation 1910.146 and ANSI Z117.1 must be taken into account. cÓMo hAcer lAs coNeXIoNes AdecuAdAs Al usar un gancho de resorte para conectar a un punto de anclaje o al acoplar componentes del sistema, asegúrese que no pueda ocurrir un desenganche accidental (que se desenrolle). Podría ser posible que se desenrollara la cuerda cuando la interferencia entre un gancho de resorte y el conector de acoplamiento cause que el fijador del gancho de resorte se abra accidentalmente y libere la cuerda. La cuerda se desenrollará cuando se enganche un gancho de resorte en un anillo de tamaño inferior, tal como un perno de ojo u otro conector de forma no compatible. Solamente deberán usarse ganchos de resorte y...
  • Page 6: Utilisation

    Page 6 user INstructIoNs n dIAMoNd shock AbsorbINg lANyArd usAge shock AbsorbINg lANyArd INsPectIoN beFore eAch use Inspect the Shock Absorbing Lanyard to verify that it is in serviceable condition. Examine every inch of the webbing for severe wear, cuts, burns, frayed edges, abrasion, or other damage. Examine stitching for any pulled, loose or torn stitches. Inspect each snaphook to verify they are functional and free from cracks, breaks, missing or loose parts. Do not use a Shock Absorbing Lanyard if inspection of it reveals an unsafe condition. coMPAtIbIlIty oF coNNectors Connectors, such as D-rings, snaphooks, and carabiners, must be rated at 5,000 lbf (22 kN) minimum breaking strength. MSA connectors meet this requirement. Connecting hardware must be compatible in size, shape, and strength. Non-compatible connectors may accidentally disengage (“rollout”). Always verify that the connecting snaphook or carabiner on the Shock Absorbing Lanyard is compatible with the D-ring on the harness or anchorage connector. coNNectINg the FP5k lANyArd 7..1 ANcorAge coNNectIoN To use the FP5K Lanyard, connect the snaphook on the shock absorber to the back D-ring of the user's full body harness. Be sure the snaphook's gate is completely closed and locked. The user then con- nects the FP5K snaphook to the anchorage connector. Be sure the snaphook's gate is completely closed and locked. 7.. tIe-bAck coNNectIoN To use the FP5K Lanyard, connect the non-FP5K snaphook on the shock absorber to the back D-ring of the user's full body harness. Be sure the snaphook's gate is completely closed and locked. The user then wraps the leg of the lanyard around a suitable anchorage and connects the FP5K snaphook back onto the leg of the lanyard creating a closed loop. Be sure the snaphook's gate is completely closed, locked, and captures the leg of the lanyard. Inspect anchorage to assure the tie-back loop on the leg of the lanyard cannot be accidentally desengaged from the anchorage during use.
  • Page 7: Markings And Labels

    INstructIoNs n dIAMoNd shock AbsorbINg lANyArd Page 7 cAre, MAINteNANce ANd storAge cleANINg INstructIoNs Clean the Shock Absorbing Lanyard with a solution of water and mild laundry detergent. Do not immerse shock absorber. Dry hardware with a clean cloth and hang to air dry. Do not speed dry with heat. Excessive accumulation of dirt, paint or other foreign matter may prevent proper function of the Shock Absorbing Lanyard, and, in severe cases, weaken the webbing. Questions concerning lanyard conditions and cleaning should be directed to MSA. MAINteNANce ANd rePAIrs Equipment which is damaged or in need of maintenance must be tagged as “UNUSABLE” and removed from service. Corrective maintenance (other than cleaning) and repair, such as replacement of elements, must be performed by the MSA factory. Do not attempt field repairs. The moving parts of snaphooks and carabiners may require periodic lubrication. Use a lightweight low viscosity penetrant oil that has good resistance to temperature extremes, moisture and corrosion. Do not over-lubricate. Wipe off excess oil with a clean, dry cloth. Follow the lubricant manufacturer’s instructions. storAge Store the Shock Absorbing Lanyard in a cool, dry and clean place out of direct sunlight. Avoid areas where heat, moisture, light, oil, chemicals (or their vapors) or other degrading elements may be present. Equipment which is damaged or in need of maintenance should not be stored in the same area as usable equipment. Heavily soiled, wet, or otherwise contaminated equipment should be properly maintained (e.g. cleaned and dried) prior to storage. Prior to using equipment which has been stored for long periods of time, a Formal Inspection should be performed by a competent person. MArkINgs ANd lAbels The following labels must be present, legible and securely attached to the Shock Absorbing Lanyard. The Formal Inspection Grid must be punched with a date (month/year) within the last six months. If not, remove the Shock Absorbing Lanyard from use and mark it as "UNUSABLE" until a Formal Inspection is performed. cuIdAdo, MANteNIMIeNto y AlMAceNAMIeNto INstruccIoNes de lIMPIeZA Limpie la cuerda amortiguadora de impactos con una solución de agua con detergente suave para lavar ropa. No sumerja la cuerda amortiguadora de impactos. Seque los accesorios con un paño limpio...
  • Page 8 Page 8 user INstructIoNs n dIAMoNd shock AbsorbINg lANyArd P/N 10024512...
  • Page 9: Inspection Frequency

    ! cAutIoN if the Shock absorbing lanyard has been subjected to fall arrest or impact forces, it must be immediately removed from service and marked as "UNUSaBle" until destroyed. 10. Procedure For INsPectIoN Perform the following steps in sequence. If in doubt about any inspection point, consult MSA or a competent person who is qualified to perform Formal Inspection Step 1: Inspect the Shock Absorbing Lanyard labels to verify that they are present and legible. If the red deployment label is uncovered and visible, this indicates that the lanyard has elongated as a result of load. Remove the lanyard from service when the warning on the label is exposed. Check the Formal Inspection Grid to be sure a Formal Inspection has been performed within the last six months. If the Grid does not indicate that a Formal Inspection has been performed within the last six months (by being punched), or if any labels are missing or illegible, remove the Shock Absorbing Lanyard from use and mark it as "UNUSABLE" until a Formal Inspection is performed by a competent person.
  • Page 10: Corrective Action

    AccIÓN correctIVA Cuando la inspección revele signos de mantenimiento inadecuado, habrá que poner la cuerda amortiguadora de impactos fuera de servicio inmediatamente y deberá marcarse como “NO UTILIZABLE” hasta que se destruya o la organización del usuario le dé mantenimiento correctivo. Los defectos, daños, desgaste excesivo, mal funcionamiento y envejecimiento generalmente no pueden repararse. Si se detectaran, ponga la cuerda amortiguadora de impactos fuera de servicio inmediatamente y márquela como “NO UTILIZABLE” hasta que se destruya. Para desecharla, dele la cuerda amortiguadora de impactos a una persona competente que esté autorizada para llevar a cabo la inspección formal. Si hubiera duda en cuanto a si se puede reparar, contacte a MSA o al centro de servicio autorizado por escrito por MSA antes de seguir usando el producto. ¡PrecAucIÓN ! Solamente la mSa o las entidades con autorizacin escrita de la mSa podrn reparar las cuerdas amortiguadoras de impactos. No altere o use el equipo indebidamente. Étape 3: Inspecter toutes les parties métalliques pour y détecter toute trace de défaut, de dommage, d’altération ou des pièces manquantes. (a) Inspecter les crochets à ressorts pour y déceler toute trace de déformation, de fractures, de fissures, de corrosion, de piqûres de corrosion, de bavures, de rebords acérés, de coupures, d’entailles profondes, de pièces lâches et d’exposition à une chaleur excessive ou à des produits chimiques. Inspecter le fonctionnement des crochets à ressorts en faisant plusieurs cycles successifs (déverrouillage, ouverture, fermeture et verrouillage). Les taquets doivent se fermer automatiquement et reposer contre le nez du crochet. Le mécanisme de verrouillage doit maintenir l’extrémité...
  • Page 11 user INstructIoNs n dIAMoNd shock AbsorbINg lANyArd Page 11 1.0 INsPectIoN log n dIArIo de INsPeccIÓN n regIstre d’INsPectIoN Model No. n Modelo No. n N° de modle: Inspector n Inspector n Inspecteur: Serial No. n Serie No. n N° de srie: Inspection Date n Fecha de inspeccin n Date d’inspection: Date Made n Fecha de fabricacin n Date de fabrication: Disposition n Disposicin n Disposition:...
  • Page 12: Garantie

    INstructIoNs n dIAMoNd shock AbsorbINg lANyArd WArrANty Express Warranty – MSA warrants that the product furnished is free from mechanical defects or faulty workmanship for a period of one (1) year from first use or eighteen (18) months from date of shipment, whichever occurs first, provided it is maintained and used in accordance with MSA’s instructions and/or recommendations. Replacement parts and repairs are warranted for ninety (90) days from the date of repair of the product or sale of the replacement part, whichever occurs first. MSA shall be released from all obligations under this war- ranty in the event repairs or modifications are made by persons other than its own authorized service personnel or if the warranty claim results from misuse of the product. No agent, employee or representative of MSA may bind MSA to any affirmation, representation or modification of the warranty concerning the goods sold under this contract. MSA makes no warranty concerning components or accessories not manufactured by MSA, but will pass on to the Purchaser all warranties of manufacturers of such components. THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AND IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO THE TERMS HEREOF. MSA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Exclusive Remedy - It is expressly agreed that the Purchaser’s sole and exclusive remedy for breach of the above warranty, for any tortious conduct of MSA, or for any other cause of action, shall be the repair and/or replacement, at MSA’s option, of any equipment or parts thereof, that after examination by MSA are proven to be defective. Replacement equipment and/or parts will be provided at no cost to the Purchaser, F.O.B. Purchaser’s named place of destination. Failure of MSA to successfully repair any nonconforming product shall not cause the remedy established hereby to fail of its essential purpose. Exclusion of Consequential Damages - Purchaser specifically understands and agrees that under no circumstances will MSA be liable to Purchaser for economic, special, incidental, or consequential damages or losses of any kind whatsoever, including but not limited to, loss of anticipated profits and any other loss caused by reason of the non-operation of the goods. This exclusion is applicable to claims for breach of warranty, tortious conduct or any other cause of action against MSA. For additional information please contact the Customer Service Department at 1-800-MSA-2222 (1-800-672-2222). gArANtíA Garantía expresa – MSA garantiza que el producto suministrado permanecerá libre de defectos mecánicos y mano de obra defectuosa durante un período de un (1) año a partir de la fecha en que se use por primera vez o bien, dieciocho (18) meses a partir de la fecha de envío, lo que ocurra primero, siempre y cuando se le dé mantenimiento y se use de conformidad con lo establecido en las instrucciones, recomendaciones, o ambas, de MSA. Las piezas de reposición y las reparaciones se garantizan por un período de noventa (90) días a partir de la fecha de reparación del producto o de la venta de la pieza de reposición, lo que ocurra primero. Si se efectuaran reparaciones o modificaciones al producto por terceros que no sean el propio personal de servicio autorizado de MSA, o si la reclamación contra la garantía fuera consecuencia del uso indebido del producto, se eximirá a MSA de todas las obligaciones resultantes de la presente garantía. Ningún agente, empleado o representante de MSA puede obligar a MSA a afirmación, representación ni modificación alguna concerniente a la garantía correspondiente a los productos vendidos bajo el presente contrato. MSA no otorga ninguna garantía en relación con los componentes o accesorios que MSA no haya fabricado, aunque transferirá al comprador todas las garantías de los fabricantes de dichos componentes. LA PRESENTE SE EXTIENDE EN LUGAR DE CUALQUIER OTRA GARANTÍA, YA SEA EXPRESA, IMPLÍCITA O ESTABLECIDA POR LA LEY Y ESTÁ ESTRICTAMENTE LIMITADA A LAS CLÁUSULAS CONTRACTUALES CONTENIDAS EN LA MISMA. ESPECÍFICAMENTE, MSA RECHAZA TODAS LAS GARANTÍAS DE COMERCIABILIDAD O IDONEIDAD PARA ALGÚN PROPÓSITO EN PARTICULAR EN RELACIÓN...

Table des Matières