Page d'accueil > Produits > Protection Incendie > Clapets de désenfumage > EK-JZ
Design information
Approved for use in mechanical smoke extract systems
For use in pressurisation systems
For use in natural smoke and heat exhaust systems
For heat exhaust purposes
A cover grille is required either on the damper or at the end of the smoke extract duct
If the damper is installed in a solid shaft wall, on a fire-resistant smoke extract duct or in a fire-resistant smoke extract duct with a lower fire resistance class
than that of the smoke control damper, the fire resistance class of the shaft wall applies also to the EK-JZ (details upon request)
Fire-resistant smoke extract ducts must be installed in such a manner that they do not impose any significant loads on the smoke control damper in the event
of a fire
Sheet steel smoke extract ducts to EN 1366-9 must be connected with flexible connectors according to the manufacturer's instructions for the sheet steel ducts
Smoke control dampers must be installed, connected and attached according to the operating and installation manual
Declaration of performance and installation and operating manual
For details on the correct use and on the performance level, refer to the declaration of performance
The correct installation of the smoke control damper is described in the installation and operating manual
Both documents are available for download on our website
Installation and commissioning
Installation on/in concrete or masonry shaft walls
Installation in or on tested, fire-resistant vertical or horizontal smoke extract ducts
Installation in fire-resistant REI 90 or EI 90 walls
For smoke extract ducts made of calcium silicate from 35 mm wall thickness
After installation the damper must remain accessible for inspection, cleaning and repair
Connected smoke extract ducts must have an inspection access
Mechanical smoke extract systems require that the power supply is maintained even in the event of a fire
Smoke control dampers must be installed, connected and attached according to the operating and installation manual
Principal dimensions
L [mm]
Length of the smoke control damper
B [mm]
Width of the smoke control damper
H [mm]
Height of the smoke control damper
V [m³/h] and [l/s]
Volume flow rate
A-weighted sound power level of air-regenerated noise for the smoke control damper
A [m²]
Free area
Δp [Pa]
Total differential pressure
v [m/s]
Airflow velocity based on the upstream cross section (B × H)