2. Drag Brake
There are 8 available
options in the drag
brake mode. These
allow you to choose
from 0%, 5%, 10%,
15%, 20%, 25%,
30% and 80% drag
brake strength.
3. Throttle Speed
There are 5 available
options in the throttle
speed sensitivity
mode. They are very
soft, soft, standard,
quick and very quick.
4. Start Power
There are 5 available
options in the start
up motor timing
settings. They are very
soft, soft, standard,
powerful and very
powerful. The more
powerful start speeds
offer quick and
powerful motor output
from a complete
stop. This function is
ideal when used for
high or low traction
In drag brake mode, the motor produces 2
beeps signifying drag brake mode, followed by
1 to 8 beeps signifying the available options:
2 beeps–1 beep
0% drag brake
(factory default)
2 beeps–2 beeps 5% drag brake
2 beeps–3 beeps 10% drag brake
2 beeps–4 beeps 15% drag brake
2 beeps–5 beeps 20% drag brake
2 beeps–6 beeps 25% drag brake
2 beeps–7 beeps 30% drag brake
2 beeps–8 beeps 80% drag brake
In throttle speed mode, the motor produces 3
beeps signifying throttle speed mode, followed
by 1 to 5 beeps signifying the available
3 beeps–1 beep v ery soft throttle sensitivity
3 beeps–2 beeps soft throttle sensitivity
3 beeps–3 beeps s tandard throttle sensitivity
(factory default)
3 beeps–4 beeps quick throttle sensitivity
3 beeps–5 beeps v ery quick throttle
In start power mode, the motor produces 4
beeps signifying start power mode, followed
by 1 to 5 beeps signifying the available
4 beeps–1 beep
very soft starting power
(factory default)
4 beeps–2 beeps soft starting power
4 beeps–3 beeps s tandard starting power
4 beeps–4 beeps powerful starting power
4 beeps–5 beeps very powerful starting
Once the series of
beeps for the option
you wish to choose
has completed, move
the throttle position to
maximum and release to
neutral. You will receive
a 4-beep confirmation of
programming. If at this
time you do not wish
to proceed to the next
function, you can simply
shut the power off to
the ESC.