A = Untreated water isolation valve
B = Treated water outlet isolation valve
C = Manual bypass
D = 2"1/2 inlet/outlet connection tubes (optional)
PE = Sample valve (no supplied)
PI = 1/4" diameter inlet/outlet pressure gauges (optional)
Raw water
Drain orifice threaded (12/17)
or 3/4'' (20/27)
check valve
Electrical cable supplied
230V 50/60Hz
Wash water
to drain
Dimensions B and C may vary by +/- 17mm depending on the expansion of the body (see technical specifications).
Install in a clean, dry and well-ventilated (to avoid condensation) that is protected from frost.
The filter must be installed on a horizontal slab capable of supporting the weight of the filter (or filters) under
operating conditions (see technical specifications).
There must be a free space of at least 500 mm beneath the ceiling to allow for loading and maintenance
Technical manuel FiltRe 1500 - code P0010115 - Rev 4 - 01/12/2020
Filtered water
Orifices inlet/outlet 1''1/2 gas (40/49)
tapped distance between centres 140 mm
from wall
800 mm
400 mm
UNtReAteD WAteR iNlet:
- The untreated water inlet pipe must be sufficiently sized to ensure the necessary flow-rate for treatment
and washing at a pressure of between 1.5 and 7 bars. The (no supplied) pressure gauges must be installed
upstream and downstream to the filter, to monitor this pressure effectively.
- These pipes must be in a material that is resistant to the untreated water.
- The inlet and outlet pipes must be correctly supported such as not to add physical stress to the valve or
filter body.
- The pipes must be easy to disassemble in order to facilitate loading, unloading and maintenance operations.
- The inlet/outlet hoses must be connected. They must be positioned such that they compensate for the
variations in the height of the filter without affecting the valve.
- If an installation involves number of parallel filters, the necessary flow-rate is the sum of the withdrawal
rate and the washing flow-rate.
- The hydraulic head connects to drain pipe in 3/8" or 3/4"
- Washing and rinsing water must be discharged to waste with a minimum pressure break of 2 cm (sanitary
- Any gutters, nozzles and lifting pipes must have a suitable bore and fall-off to efficiently evacuate the
maximum filter washing flow-rates.
eleCtRiCitY SUPPlY:
An earthed 230V - 50 Hz power supply must be provided near to each filter (maximum power: 30 VA).
Different active mediums may be used with the Filter 1500 depending on the required water treatment.
Used for clarification by slow filtration of natural water and recycled coolant water in air coolers.
Disassemble the filter head and close the end of the central tube. Hold the tube in the center of the opening
and introduce into the body of the filter the 7 bags of 25 kgs of sand 0.55.
Clean the upper body properly before reassembling the filter head.
Carry out a filter wash whenever necessary.
As general rule, washing is considered necessary when the filter pressure loss reaches 0.2 to 0.5 bars more
than the clean filter pressure loss.
It should be noted that a filter that is slightly clogged is more effective than a clean filter.
It is therefore not desirable to wash a filter more often than necessary.
Once a year, open the filter and inspect the upper part of the filtering layer.
ACtiVe CARBON FilteR 1500
Active carbon is capable of fixing certain solids or impurities in a more or less irreversible manner (organic
matter, iron and H2S in particular).
The active carbon loses its efficiency more or less quickly depending on the impurity content in the water and
the volume of water treated.
It is therefore necessary to regularly replace the active filter media using the procedure described below.
Technical manuel FiltRe 1500 - code P0010115 - Rev 4 - 01/12/2020