On the TIME GOAL screen the user shall be able to choose the duration of their workout.
The user shall be able to enter a duration from 1 to 99 minutes. The default value shall be
30:00 minutes. The user can adjust the value up or down by using the PLUS and MINUS
buttons respectively. Each press of either the PLUS or MINUS button shall change the
current displayed value by 1. The PLUS button shall be used to increase the duration and the
MINUS button shall be used to decrease the duration.
Once the duration is set to the desired value for the given workout the START/ENTER but-
ton shall be pressed. Upon pressing the START/ENTER button the system shall transition to
PROGRAM MODE and the workout shall begin. See section PROGRAM MODE below for
more details.
To exit the TIME GOAL screen and return to the WORKOUT SELECTION screen the user
shall press the WORKOUTS button.