Atmospheric Pressure: 70 to 106 hPa
Temperature: -40º to +70º C (-40 to 158 °F)
Relative Humidity: 10 to 100% RH
Atmospheric Pressure: 500 to 1060 hPa
Battery Charging
161 lifts at 200 lb (91 kg), 20 secs "On"/10 secs "Off" duty cycle, lower lifting range
Cycle Rated
with lift 6" (152 mm) from ground
90 lifts at 440 lb (200 kg), 20 secs "On"/10 secs "OFF" duty cycle, lower lifting range
with lift 6" (152 mm) from ground
50-60 lifts at 450 lb (204 kg), 1 min "On"/9 min "OFF" duty cycle, each lift being 24"
(610 mm) at the middle of the lifting range (from 54" (1370 mm) strap out to 30"
(762 mm) strap out) per full battery)
30-40 lifts at 625 lb (284 kg), 1 min "On"/9 min "OFF" duty cycle, each lift being 24"
(610 mm) at the middle of the lifting range (from 54" (1370 mm) strap out to 30"
(762 mm) strap out) per full battery)
Note: The lift has a break in period; breaking in of the lift will need to be done
before these numbers will be achieved. The breaking in period varies from lift to lift
and depends on the frequency of use and the types of load being applied. Higher
loads and a greater frequency of use break in the lift faster.
Return to Charge
Varies Based on Setting: #1 = 0.123 m/s (4.86 in/s)
(RTC) Speed:
Varies Based on Setting: #1 = 0.123 m/s (4.86 in/s)
Traverse Speed:
Lifting Speed:
#2 = 0.137 m/s (5.4 in/s)
#3 = 0.167 m/s (6.59 in/s)
#4 = 0.192 m/s (7.57 in/s)
#5 = 0.242 m/a (9.53"/s)
#2 = 0.137 m/s (5.4 in/s)
#3 = 0.165 m/s (6.51 in/s)
#4 = 0.189 m/s (7.46 in/s)
#5 = 0.244 m/a (9.59"/s)