• Any cycle should not be selected or in progress.
• Press and hold arrow UP for 3 seconds; icon
will light on and code "dEF" will be displayed on the control
• When defrosting will finish, the chamber tempearture (rNP)
will be displayed on control panel.
• To interrupt defrost cycle manually, press and hold START/
STOP button for 3 second; defrosting will OFF and the appli-
ance will switch to stand-by mode.
NOTE: For proper defrosting, it is recommended keep the door
open during the cycle.
Tips for users
Note: Time to reduce the temperature of product depends on
several parameters like: shape, type and thickness of packaging;
type of food (density, water or fat content), etc.
• If product thickness allows, alway use tempearture-based cycle
(using needle core probe).
• Food must not be overlaid one on another (fig. 7A on page 6).
• To ensure good air circulation in chamber keep at least 65 mm
space between trays (fig. 7B on page 6).
• To ensure the most appropiate process keep enough space be-
tween chamber's walls and evaporator (fig 7C on page 6).
• After chilling cycle, food can be stored up to 5 days in refrig-
erator (if vacuum packaging is used, time increase to about 15
days). It is important to keep temperature between 0°C and 4°C.
• After freezing cycle, food can be stored in freezers, in period of 3
to 18 months (depending on type of food). It is important to keep
temperature equal or lower to -20°C.
ATTENTION: Do not leave the cooked food at ambient temperature
for long time before starting chilling/freezing cycle.
ATTENTION: Food already defrosted can not be frozen again.
User's main parameters - FIRST LEVEL
For standard appliance's parameters that are belong to second-
ary functionality:
• Press and hold simultaneously SETTING button and Arrow
DOWN for 3 seconds; LED icons
Code SEF will be displayed as the first parameter.
• Press Arrow DOWN or Arrow UP to select desire parameter
and then press SETTING button to display the value.
• Press Arrow DOWN or Arrow UP to change value of parame-
ter and then press SETTING button to confirm new value and
move to the following parameters.
• To exit: Press simultaneously SETTING button and Arrow UP or
do not touch panel for 15 seconds.
• Table 1 on page 6-7: All codes of parameters with minimum
value, maximum value, unit and default value:
1. Set point for "Frost Bust" Cycle (-40°C).
2. Compressor hysteresis.
3. Compressor restart delay.
4. Thermostat probe calibration.
5. Core probe presence.
6. Core probe 2 calibration.
7. Unit of temperature measurement.
8. Resolution (for °C).
9. Nor, Fan, F-C.
10. Maximum length for defrost.
11. Rt, it, SET, dEF.
12. Drip time.
and fan icon
will start flashing;
13. o-n, Cn, o-Y, Cy.
14. Maximum temperature alarm.
15. Minimum temperature alarm.
16. Alarm recovery differential.
17. Temperature alarm delay.
18. Buzzer activation at the end of the cycle.
User's main parameters - SECOND LEVEL
For changing setting of main cycles (exluded "Frost Bust" cycle):
• Select one of the cycles according to steps mentioned in previ-
ous chapters. Corresponding icons will light up.
• Press and hold corresponding button for 3 seconds (on display
will show first parameter "cyS"):
a) Gentle and Intensive Chilling cycle, Gentle and Intensive
Freezing cycle - corresponding button is
b) Cycle for ice cream - corresponding button is
• Press Arrow DOWN or Arrow UP to select desire parameter
and then press SETTING button to display the value.
• Press Arrow DOWN or Arrow UP to change value of parame-
ter and then press SETTING button to confirm new value and
move to the following parameters.
• To exit: Press simultaneously SETTING button and Arrow UP or
do not touch panel for 15 seconds.
• Table 2 on page 7: All codes of parameters:
1. Cycle setting: "tEP" - temperature cycle; "tiM" - timed cycle.
2. Defrost before cycle: YES / NO (cycle starts immediately
without defrosting).
3. Defrost at the end of cycle/before storage mode: YES / NO
(storage mode starts immediatly).
4. Storage mode after cycle: YES / NO (storage mode disabled)
5. Set point of chamber pre-cooling phase: When the temper-
ature measured by the chamber probe reaches this value,
the current phase is finished and the next pahse will start.
6. Maximum duration time pre-cooling phase: Maximum du-
ration of the pre-cooling phase if the tempearture defined
in parameter "rSP" is not reached at the end of this time
it switched to the next phase (only avaiable on the cycle for
ice cream).
7. Set point for core probe for the first phase: When the tem-
perature measured by the core probes reaches this value,
the current phase is finished and next phase will start.
8. Chamber set point for the first phase: It prevents temper-
ature from reaching a too low value. This value controls the
operation of the compressor.
9. Timed cycle for the first phase:
• If the cycle is timed cycle for the first phase - It is consid-
ered if the core probe is not present (OFF to 4h 00Min., res
10Min.) at the end of this time it switches to next phase.
• If the cycle is temperature cycle for the first phase - This
value is used only if there is a core probe; this is the maxi-
mum duration of the first phase if the temperature defined
in parameter iS1 is not reached.
10. Set point for core probe for the second phase: When the
temperature measured by the core probes reaches this val-
ue, the current phase is finished and next phase will start.
11. Chamber set point for the second phase: It prevents tem-
perature from reaching a too low value. This value controls
the operation of the compressor.
12. Timed cycle for the second phase:
• If the cycle is timed cycle for the second phase - It is con-
sidered if the core probe is not present (OFF to 4h 00Min.,