23. Manually-activated musical doorbell
Turn on the switch 15, and you'll hear music coming from the loudspeaker 20. When the music
stops, you can use the button to activate the doorbell.
24. Magnetically-activated musical doorbell
Replace the button
with the reed switch 13, and you get a magnetically-activated musical
25. Light-activated musical doorbell
Replace the button
with the phototransistor
. Now you can use light to operate the bell.
When light hits the phototransistor, the doorbell will be activated. If the phototransistor is shield-
ed from light, the music stops.
26. Water-activated musical doorbell
If you replace the button
with the touch plate 12, you'll hear the music play when water hits
the contact points.
27. Sound-activated musical doorbell
Connect the piezo buzzer
to terminals A-B. When the music stops, you can clap your hands or
say something out loud to again activate the music.
28. Motor-activated musical doorbell
Connect the electric motor
to terminals A-B. When the music stops, lightly turn the motor
shaft to again activate the music.
29. Light-activated LED
Connect the phototransistor
to terminals C-D and turn on the switch 15. When the LED
turns off, you can activate it with light. When light hits the phototransistor, the LED is activa-
ted. When the phototransistor is shielded from light the LED goes out.
30. Water-activated LED
Connect the touch plate
to terminals C-D and turn on the switch. The LED will light up when
water drops hit the plate.
31. Sound-activated LED with time delay
Connect the piezo buzzer
to terminals A-B. When the LED turns off, clap your hands or say
something out loud. The LED will light up again and after a while it will go out. The piezo buzzer
functions as a microphone.
32. Motor-activated LED with time delay
Connect the electric motor
to terminals A-B. When the LED turns off, gently turn the motor
shaft. The LED will light up again and after a while go out.