If offset drive home (passage) is
used, the perimeter wire must be
routed at least 1.5 m in front of and
behind the docking station in a
straight line and at right angles to
the floor plate. (
Starting routing with an external
docking station:
Fasten the perimeter wire (1) to the ground
on the left or right as appropriate, behind
the floor plate, directly next to a wire outlet,
using a fixing pin (2).
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Provide a free wire end (1) with a length of
approx. 2 m.
Route the perimeter wire (2) in front of and
behind the docking station (1) with 50 cm
of clearance and at right angles to the floor
plate. A corridor can then be installed
12.11) or the edge of the mowing area
followed with the perimeter wire.
A freely travellable area with a minimum
width of 44 cm must be available to the
side of the floor plate (3).
Further information on installation
of the external docking station is
contained in the "Installation
examples" section. (
Wire routing in the mowing area:
Route the perimeter wire (1) around the
mowing area and around any obstacles
12.9) and fasten it to the ground using
fixing pins (2). Check the clearances using
the iMOW® Ruler. (
The robotic mower must not be
more than 35 m from the perimeter
wire at any point, as this would
prevent the wire signal being picked