Client Config: as a client, Gateway requests to
the Time Sync Server for time synchronization
and synchronize the local time. Simultaneously
Gateway supports the standard time
synchronization protocol.
1) Server IP: the IP address of Time Sync
Server. Default:
2) Port: the port of Time Sync Server. Default:
3) Sync Result: showing the responses of the
request to Time Sync Server.
4) Test: click it to request to the Time Sync
Server and show the response at Sync
Result. The System Time will not be
modified by this function.
Vista Gateway Instructions for use
When the configuration is modified, click Test,
Gateway requests to the Time Sync Server for time
synchronization according to the configuration. If
the request is responded and returned, the result
will be shown at Sync Result, or the
synchronization is failure. See the following figure.
Server Config: as the Time Sync Server,
Gateway provides time synchronization service
for other systems.
Server Time Sync Port: the opened local port of
Gateway, to which other systems sends
synchronization request.