3 Configuration d'un système PROFIBUS-DP
3.3.4 Structure d'un fichier GSD
;; =============================
; GSD-File Gateway PROFIBUS-DP
; JUMO dTRON 300
; Release 08.07.2005
; =============================
GSD_Revision = 2
Vendor_Name = "JUMO"
Model_Name = "dTRON 3xx"
Revision = "Ausgabestand 2.0"
Ident_Number = 0x09AB
Protocol_Ident = 0
Station_Type = 0
FMS_supp = 0
Hardware_Release = "1.00"
Software_Release = "2.00"
9.6_supp = 1
19.2_supp = 1
45.45_supp = 1
93.75_supp = 1
187.5_supp = 1
500_supp = 1
1.5M_supp = 1
3M_supp = 1
6M_supp = 1
12M_supp = 1
MaxTsdr_9.6 = 60
MaxTsdr_19.2 = 60
MaxTsdr_45.45 = 60
MaxTsdr_93.75 = 60
MaxTsdr_187.5 = 60
MaxTsdr_500 = 100
MaxTsdr_1.5M = 150
MaxTsdr_3M = 250
MaxTsdr_6M = 350
MaxTsdr_12M = 800
Redundancy = 0
Repeater_Ctrl_Sig = 1
24V_Pins = 0
Implementation_Type = "SPC3"
;extended GSD-file is supported
;according to PNO directrive of 14.12.95
;name of the manufacturer
;name of the DP-instrument
;actual edition of the DP-instrument
;exact type designation of the DP-instrument
;protocol characteristica PROFIBUS-DP
;DP-instrument only
;actual edition of the hardware
;actual edition of the software
;the following baudrates are supported
; 9.6 kBaud
; 19.2 kBaud
; 31.25 kBaud (PA)
; 45.45 kBaud
; 93.75 kBaud
; 187.5 kBaud
; 500
; 1.5 MBaud
; 3
; 6
; 12
; 31.25 kBaud (PA)
;no redundant transmission
;Plug signal CNTR-P TTl-level
;Plug signals M24V and P24 V not connected
;Application of ASIC SPC3