Configuration options:
Short circuit forwarding
DCC brake generator
Track voltage default values You can change the target value for the track voltage
The generation of the RailCom cutout can be activated/deactivated us-
ing this option.
This default value is especially relevant if the control centre settings
cannot be automatically detected via B-Bus or CDE, or if the option
"Auto Settings" (CAN) is deactivated. Please refer to Chapter: Configu-
ration and firmware update via CAN and Z21 Maintenance Tool.
CAUTION: This option is to be deactivated should neighbouring boost-
er sections not generate any RailCom cut-outs (10761, 10764, 10762,
10765, 10786, 10830, 10832).
This is activated as standard
This option activates the auto-inversion that results in an automatic
reversal of the track signal pole if the booster is used as a terminal loop
module for example. It is also practical because you do not always have
to observe the poling of the track signal.
CAUTION: in the case of neighbouring booster sections, this option is
only to be activated in one of them as this would otherwise result in a
simultaneous pole reversal and in turn, to a short circuit.
This is deactivated as standard
If this option is deactivated, no short circuit messages are forwarded to
the control centre. The booster automatically deactivates in the event
of there being short circuits however, it then attempting to reactivate
the track output every 3 seconds.
This is activated as standard
With this option, the track output of the Z21-Boosters can serve as a
replacement for the "brake generator", item 10779. Please also refer to
Chapter: Brake Generator Mode.
Deactivated as standard
(green=18 V, red=14 V) using this option.