What to do
Powering on
the instrument
Filling the
Energy-saver mode (Auto Power Off)
When work is interrupted for more than three minutes (factory default setting), the instrument automati-
cally switches to Standby Mode. The display value is stored at this point, and appears again in the display
after switching back on manually. The time period before automatic switch to Standby can be adjusted
(see page 52).
How to do it
To power on the instrument,
press the On/Off key.
Fill the instrument smoothly
up to the upper position by
turning the hand wheels.
Press the CLEAR key once
briefly in order to set the
display value to zero.
Hold a suitable receiving
vessel under the opening of
the titrating tube. By turning
the hand wheels, deliver
liquid up to the titration end
If the fill volume is insufficient for the entire titration, press the Pause key,
then refill by gently turning back the hand wheels to the upper position (the
displayed value remains unchanged during this process). Press the Pause
key again, and continue with the titration.
If the displayed value is inadvertently deleted, it can be restored by pressing
the CLEAR key again.
Keys to press
Display readout
(titrated volume, e.g., 28.76 ml)