Servo control
The sound decoder allows direct control
of four servo motors via the servo slots
of the carrier board. Here the slots
Servo1 (top) and Servo 2 (bottom) are
Please refer to the CV table for the
setting options of the stop positions
and the respective travel speed. The
assignment to the function keys is done
exclusively via the extended function
Sound settings
The overall volume can be set via CV63.
The reed contacts 1 & 2 built into the
front bogie trigger the sounds whistle
or horn when passing a correspondingly
placed track magnet.
NOTE: To record a PIKO sound on the
sound decoder, you need the test and
programming device PIKO SmartPro-
grammer (#56415) and (optional) the
PIKO SmartTester (#56416).
For all further information about the
sound part of the PIKO SmartDecoder
XP Sound G and the available setting
options, please refer to the detailed
operating instructions.
Energy storage
The energy storage built on the decoder
can be switched on or off via CV pro-
gramming. The backup time can be
set in 500ms steps up to 8 seconds.
If CV251 = 128 (Bit7 = 1) is set, the
energy storage is switched on and the
backup time is 500ms. Bits 0 - 3 can
now be used to increase the back-up
time in the
above-mentioned increments up to 8
Reset to factory setting (Reset)
To reset the sound decoder to factory
settings, please program CV8 = 8.
The basis of all setting possibilities
of the decoder are the configuration
variables (CVs). The decoder can be pro-
grammed with the PIKO G digital com-
mand station with Navigator or other
DCC command stations, as well as with
Motorola command stations.
For more information about the pro-
gramming possibilities, please refer to
the detailed operating instructions.
Function assignments
F0 Light
F10 Train rear lighting
F1 Motor noise
F11 High Beam
F2 Horn short
F12 Chassis Lights
F3 Horn
F13 Volume Regulator
F4 Driver's cab lighting 1
F14 Tunnel mode
F5 Driver's cab lighting 2
F15 Radio Chatter 1
F6 Engine room lighting left
F16 Radio Chatter 2
F7 Engine room lighting right
F17 Change language
F8 Shunting gear 1
F18 Coupling
F9 Shunting gear 2
F19 Sanding
F20 Fuel Pump
F21 Preheater
F22 Compressor
F23 Clickety-Clack
F24 Curve Squeal
F25 Cab Door
F26 Cab Window
F27 -
F28 -