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vario helicopter Bell 204 UH-1B Mode D'emploi page 22


Sofort bedeutet innerhalb der ersten Sekunde.
Trainieren Sie vorab gedanklich, was Sie in besonderen Situationen tun müssen.
Sollte in Ihrem Modell wiederholt ein gleicher technischer Defekt auftreten so wird der erneute
Austausch der Komponente nicht die Lösung sein solange sich an den Betriebsbedingungen
nichts ändert.
Eine Bitte noch zum Abschluß:
Schätzen Sie Ihre fliegerischen Fähigkeiten realistisch ein. Dazu paßt folgender Vergleich: Wer
nicht schwimmen kann und trotzdem ins tiefe Wasser geht, wird voraussichtlich ertrinken.
Operating a model helicopter for the first time
Even if you already know „all there is to know" about model helicopters please read the following
notes carefully:
Before operating the model check the following points:
- The direction of servo rotation (including the throttle function) and travels.
- The direction of effect of the gyro, and the transmitter mixer functions you have programmed.
- Collective pitch travel (linear travel -2/-3° to +9/+10°); rotor diameter 2000 mm Ø plus: 0° to +10°
- It is permissible to reduce servo travels, but not below 60% (in this case adjust the mechanical
linkage); travels should be primarily symmetrical.
- Apply collective pitch min. / collective pitch max. and full roll and pitch-axis commands
simultaneously in all directions; rotate the rotor head at the same time, and check that at the
extremes of travel no part of the rotor head is obstructed, and the collective pitch compensator
guide pin does not foul the swashplate.
- Check the safe connection of the ball link of the swashplate driver before each flight, if the rotor
head is using one.
- The auto-rotation switch must be assigned, and within easy reach!
- When auto-rotation is selected: throttle position to off, all directions of control and travels as in
normal flight, tail rotor to 0° = fixed value.
- Do not set the tail rotor gyro to work in „heading-lock mode" initially.
- Contrary to the information supplied by many gyro manufacturers, the greater inertia of larger
helicopters means that they do need the support of tail rotor mixer functions in normal mode.
- Tail rotor position 0° at collective pitch min.; at collective pitch max. the tail rotor blade tips should
be about 50 - 60 mm apart when the blades are folded together in the blade holders.
- Set the motor distinctly „rich", and set the throttle curve very low: the throttle curve should then be
raised gradually in small increments, and the motor cautiously „leaned out" until the correct rotor
speed level is reached; i.e. work „upwards" towards the correct speed!
- The first few tankfuls should be flown with the model close to the ground, i.e. no more than about 1
m altitude, until you are confident that there are no defects or errors, and that everything is working
- Use your ears critically (!), listening for unusual sounds and vibration, and seek out the problem if
you are in any doubt at all!
- Don't listen to anyone standing close by if they try to hurry you into flying the model.
- Avoid hovering outside ground effect (hover altitude with a model: approx. 1 m, or half the rotor
disc diameter):
- Hovering requires very high power, and you are completely dependent on the motor: in contrast to
most full-size helicopters, model helicopters have only one (!) power plant.



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