11. Free mixers
Servo mix
Using the 4 servo mixers, operating elements or even mixers
can be mixed directly on servos.
All "inputs" whose names end with "+" are mixers (e.g. ele-
vator+); all remaining inputs are operating elements.
The outputs are always servos; they are displayed with
position numbers on the receiver and the corresponding
Example: Servo mix - "Mix" mode:
With a dual-motor plane, the motor on the outside of the
curve is to be additionally accelerated during curve flight to
support the effect of the rudder.
· To do this, assign the "Throttle+" function to a second chan-
nel (e.g. 7 Throttle+) in the servo menu under "servo as-
signment". Check that both regulators are working properly.
· Create a servo mixer for the left motor, set the three-point-
curve so that the throttle is increased slightly when con-
trolling the rudder to the right, as shown in the following
12. Advice and technical support
We have made a great effort when writing these short instruc-
tions to ensure that you can quickly and easily find the answer
to every question.
If, however, you still have an unanswered question about your
COCKPIT SX, please contact your retailer, who will be happy
to assist you.
· Create an additional servo mixer (see image) for the right
motor, and enter the number of the second servo channel
under "output".
· Adjust the three-point-curve. (It should run symmetrically to
the curve of the first mixer).
You can find the addresses of our service partners on our web-
site: www.multiplex-rc.de under CONTACT/SERVICE.