Using 120/220 Filmstrip Holder
For scanning 120/220 filmstrips (For 6 x 4.5)
For scanning 120/220 filmstrips (For 6 x 6 & 6 x 7)
6 x 6
For scanning 120/220 filmstrips (For 6 x 8/6 x 9 & 6 x 12)
6 x 8 / 6 x 9
Adjust the individual frames to fit the size of the images on your
film, then close the film holder cover.
Open the film holder and place the filmstrip in the film holder with
emulsion (non-glossy) side down. Always align the film towards the
direction of insertion. The direction of insertion is indicated by a
white square and an arrow.
Direction of insertion
6 x 12
6 x 7