Swiss flan
Potato gratin made using raw potatoes
Strudel, frozen
Potato products
Baked goods
Bread rolls, frozen
Part-baked rolls, frozen
Part-baked rolls
* Preheat oven
Tips and tricks
The cake is too light in colour
The cake is too dark
The cake is unevenly browned in the
baking tin
The cake is unevenly browned on the
baking tray
The cake is too dry
The cake is too moist in the centre
The cake collapses when you take it out
of the oven
The specified baking time is not correct For small items, check the amount on the baking tray. The items must not be touching
Frozen products are not browned evenly
after baking
Frozen products are not browned, not
crispy or the specified time is not
There is a risk of injury if you use roasting dishes that
are not heat-resistant!
Only use roasting dishes that are marked as being suitable for
use in the oven.
Open roasting
For open roasting, a roasting dish without a lid is used.
Turn the roast approximately half to two thirds of the way
through the roasting time.
Roasting in the universal pan
Juices escape from the roasting meat and are collected in the
universal pan. You can use these juices as the basis for a tasty
You can also cook side dishes (e.g. vegetables) at the same
time as roasting meat in the universal pan.
Shelf height
Check the shelf height and the recommended bakeware. Place the baking tin on the wire
rack and not on the baking tray. Increase the baking time or the temperature.
Check the shelf height. Shorten the baking time or reduce the temperature.
Check the shelf height and the temperature. Check for the correct position of the baking
tin on the wire rack.
Check the shelf height and the temperature. When baking small items, make sure that
they are the same size and thickness.
Shorten the baking time and increase the temperature slightly.
Reduce the temperature. Note: Higher temperatures do not mean shorter baking times
(cooked on the outside, but not on the inside). Increase the baking time and allow the
cake dough to prove longer. Add less liquid to the mixture.
Add less liquid to the mixture. Increase the baking time or reduce the temperature.
each other.
If frozen products are unevenly browned when prebaked, then uneven browning is to be
expected after baking.
Remove ice from frozen products before baking them. Do not use heavily frosted frozen
% Top/bottom heat
Temperature in °C
200 220
200 220*
180 200*
200 220
200 220
200 220
190 210
190 210
180 200
190 210
For smaller joints, you can use a smaller roasting dish instead
of the universal pan. Place this directly on the wire rack.
Roasting in the universal pan with wire rack
Place the wire rack on the universal pan and slide them in
together at the same shelf height.
Roasting with a lid
Roasting dishes with lids are used for this kind of roasting. This
method is particularly suitable for pot roasts.
Roasting table
The roasting time and temperature depend on the size, height,
type and quality of the item.
As a general rule: the larger the item, the lower the temperature
and the longer the roasting time.
Baking time in minutes
50 - 60
30 45
45 - 55
50 - 60
35 45
15 25
20 30
5 - 15
10 - 20
5 - 15