8. Air supply for combustion
Air supply via the room where the appliance is located
(Fig. „Tab. 3" on page 19)
Negative pressures in the room where the appliance is lo-
cated (e.g. through ventilation systems, extractor hoods, etc.)
may impair the functioning of the fireplace and its safety sys-
tem and are therefore not permissible.
Please consult the local qualified chimney sweep and observe
the local fire protection laws as well as the standards DIN
18896 (technical standards for the installation and the opera-
tion of fireplaces for solid fuels).
The air required for combustion is drawn from the room where the
appliance is located. The room must be periodically ventilated, es-
pecially in well sealed buildings.
Therefore provide sufficient changes of air in the room where the
appliance is located. For rooms exceeding a volume of 50 m3, we
recommend exchanging 1.5 times the volume of air per hour. For
smaller rooms the rate of air exchange should be increased.
If there are additional heating appliances in the same room, make
sure that the air inlets can supply sufficient air for combustion for
the operation of all appliances.
only if certain conditions are fulfilled it is permissible to operate
open-flued fireplaces in combination with ventilation systems etc.
For further information seek the advice of the manufacturer of your
ventilation system.
• The air for combustion is pre-heated.
• It is necessary to ventilate the room at regular intervals or to pro-
vide a permanent opening for ventilation to the outside.
Combustion air supply from outdoor
A prerequisite for the connection of fireplaces used in combi-
nation with domestic ventilation systems is that the approval
of the local qualified chimney sweep is obtained!
It is not permitted to install cut-off devices in the supply air
duct (dampers, sliders, etc.). To prevent air from permanently
flowing through the appliance when it is not in use, close the
sliding door at the appliance.
Make sure that the outdoor air inlet is protected against
blockage by means of a protective grating. We recommend a
mesh size of 10 mm.
For the supply air duct to the combustion air connecting piece
it is best to use a non-combustible, flexible aluminium hose.
The supply air duct must be insulated to avoid condensation
and must be protected against wind.
The air duct must be at least 100 mm in diameter. If rectan-
gular pipes are employed, an appropriate cross section must
be maintained.
According to the regulations for chimney sweeping and in-
spection ventilation systems must be checked for blockages
once a year by the local qualified chimney sweep. To facili-
tate this, appropriate inspection doors should be provided.
Please consult your local qualified chimney sweep regarding
this matter.
According to the assessment criteria of the DIBT in Berlin and
the DIN 18160 standards, fireplaces with an external supply of
air for combustion are only allowed if only one appliance is
connected to the chimney.
The air for combustion is entirely supplied to the combustion cham-
ber via a supply air pipe of 100 mm diameter (to be provided by the
The oval-shaped pipe connection for the combustion air system is
located on the cover plate behind the flue gas connection.
The tight pipe connections are run directly to the outside or they are
connected to an appropriate air-flue gas system. It is also feasible
to extract the air from a room that is independently supplied with
outdoor air (e.g. cellar).
For the supply air duct provided by the customer, leak-proof pipes
(e.g. steel pipes to DIN 24145 with flexible, non-combustible alumin-
ium hose at the pipe connections) with at least 100 mm diameter,
max. 3 bends and a permissible total length of 4 m are to be used.
For greater lengths and more than 3 bends it is necessary to do a
To facilitate the inspection and cleaning of the air supply duct, ap-
propriate inspection doors must be provided.
The entire supply air duct must be air-tight. With special pipe sys-
tems a calculation of the cross sectional area of the chimney ac-
cording to EN 13384-1 is required, taking into consideration the air
supply duct.
We recommend setting the ventilation system to a maximum nega-
tive pressure of 4 Pascal.
Air supply from outdoor
(Fig. „14. Fuels" on page 18)
• The air for combustion is only slightly pre-heated!
• Max. length 4 m with 3 bends.
Air supply via pipe line through a basement room
(Fig. „Tab. 1" on page 18)
• The air for combustion is pre-heated.
• The air supply in the basement room can be easily implemented.
• Max. length 4 m with 3 bends.
Air supply through a basement
(Fig. „17. Start-up" on page 19)
• The air for combustion is pre-heated.
• The basement room must be excluded from the ventilation system
of the dwelling and must be open to the outside.
• Avoid accumulation of dust and moisture.
9. Chimney / Flue pipe connection
The exhaust system must be inspected by the local qualified
chimney sweep before starting to use the appliance.
• For safe operation of the appliance an effective chimney height of
at least 5 m (from the flue connection to the chimney outlet) is
• For further information as regards the necessary minimum dis-
charge pressure see the technical details on Technical data, in our
brochures and on the nameplate.
• Please have the minimum discharge pressure checked by the local
chimney sweep!
Flue pipe connection
The flue pipe is the connection between the insert stove and the
chimney. When installing the flue, please note the following instruc-
• The LoBo/KESAR requires a 120 mm flue pipe.
• The connection between the insert stove and the chimney must be
strong and leak-proof. In particular the connection to the masonry
of the chimney must be durable and tight.
• Make sure that the connecting piece can be cleaned (cleaning
• The diameter of the flue pipe must not decrease towards the
• The flue pipe must not project into the chimney.
• Vertically positioned flue pipes must not exceed a length of 125
cm if they are not insulated.
• Horizontal pipe sections must not exceed a length of 100 cm.
• The flue pipe must not descend towards the chimney, but must
incline slightly upward.