NOTE: generally, the sand may need to be changed every 3-4 years,
with family use of the hot-tub and water hardness of about 20 °fr.
Abnormal operating conditions
- alarm signals -
The presence of an alarm is shown on the display, with the code for
the type of signal, and the "set" key is lit up.
If there are simultaneous alarms, the first one shown will be the
one with the lowest code number. Press the "set" key to interrupt the
signal and move on to the display of the next alarm.
If the alarm condition persists, the corresponding code will con-
tinue to be shown.
There are two type of alarms, those which reset automatically and
those that do not reset automatically.
- If the alarm can be automatically reset, as soon as the causes
of the alarms are eliminated, the system restarts on its own. The
alarm will still be displayed until the "set" key is pressed.
The presence of a lighted dot on the display at the last numeral
indicates that the alarm resets automatically.
- If the alarm is not automatically reset, after eliminating the
causes you will need to manually restart the system.
Reason for alarm
- possible solution
"E01" Safety level of compensation tank (automatically reset
This occurs when there is no water in the compensation tank for at
least 6 seconds; no function may be activated.
- Restore the correct level of water in the compensation tank.
"E02" Safety level of filtering pump (automatically reset
This occurs when the sensor located on the pump-filter pipe detects
a lack of water for at least 6 seconds. No function may be activated.
- Check that the sensor is working, or restore the correct level of
"E03" Contactor and thermal protection of filtering pump
(alarm not automatically reset). Probable intervention of thermal
protection of the filtering pump. No function may be activated.
- Let the motor cool, and then try restarting the pump. If it does
not start, contact an authorized Jacuzzi® service centre.
"E04" Water temperature too high (automatically reset
The water temperature has reached or exceeded 42 °C. It is not pos-
sible to activate any function.
- If present, remove cover from hot-tub. If the excessive temper-
ature increase is due to sunlight, add cold water to the hot-tub.
Jacuzzi Europe S.p.A. © 2023
When the temperature has dropped to below 42 °C, the hot-tub
should re-activate automatically. If it does not, disconnect the
power supply and contact an authorized Jacuzzi® service centre.
"E05" Temperature probe malfunctioning (automatically re-
It is not possible to activate any function.
- Check that the temperature probe is working, or replace it.
"E06" Intervention of safety thermostat (automatically reset
alarm; present only on models with electric heater).
It is not possible to activate the electric heater.
- The electric heater has been deactivated due to overheating.
This may be due to irregular water flow. After reactivating the
safety thermostat, if it trips again, disconnect the power supply
and contact an authorized Jacuzzi service centre.
"E07", "E08" heater contactors malfunctioning (alarm not
automatically reset; present only on models with electric heater).
It is not possible to activate the electric heater.
- For reasons of safety, the electric heater is powered by two
contactors connected in series. If one of the two contactors is
jammed, an error message appears, and the defective contactor
must be replaced.
"E09" Maximum water filling time - compensation tank so-
lenoid valve (alarm not automatically reset).
The maximum time of opening of the filling solenoid valve of the
compensation tank has been reached, as memorized in system pa-
rameter "P8".
- The operating level has not been reached in the compensation
tank and the system has been shut down. Check that the oper-
ating level sensor works properly. Also check that the drain has
not been left open, or that the opening time memorized in "P8"
is not too low.
"E10" Incompatible water levels - compensation tank (auto-
matically reset alarm)
This occurs when the level sensor in the compensation tank detects
the presence of water and one below it does not. Water is not added
to the compensation tank.
- Check the operation of the level sensors and as necessary re-
place the defective ones.
"E11" Insufficient water level in compensation tank (auto-
matically reset alarm)
This occurs when functions are activated before reaching the mini-
mum level in the compensation tank or when, during operation, the
level has dropped below a safe level.
- Check that the filling solenoid valve is open and wait for the
minimum level of water in the compensation tank to be reached.
"E14" Flow switch warning (the warning is not resettable;
only present on models with electric heater).
It is not possible to activate the electric heater.
This may occur when the filter selector valve lever, following
maintenance work, is not brought back to the filtering position: in
this way, there is no water in the heater, therefore it runs the risk of
burning (where the filter pump is active and flow switch contacts
Jacuzzi Europe S.p.A. © 2023