when activated by push buttons (default 20).
It can be set to a value between 01 and 99 minutes, which
represents the time after which the hydromassage and the
blower are automatically switched off if they were turned on
by means of pneumatic push buttons. If set to 0 the "time-
out" is disabled.
- P7(-): display of temperature in °C, or °F (default 0).
If =0 display is in °C, if =1 in °F.
- P8(-): maximum opening time of solenoid valve for filling
the compensation tank (default 30). This safety closes off wa-
ter filling in the compensation if abnormalities should occur
(see drain open). The opening time can be set for a maxi-
mum between 10 and 99 minutes.
- P9(-): system management by means of "coin slot" (default
= 0).
If = 0, coin slot disabled; if = 1, enabled.
- PA(-): set point for minimum water temperature (default 15
°C, or 59 °F). Values can be set from 15 °C to 25 °C (59÷77 °F).
If the water temperature drops below the set point, the heat-
er is automatically activated, and also the pumps and blower
if necessary.
Water filtering is essential to keep it clean and clear, and to elimi-
nate suspended particles. This cleaning is assured by the filtering
pump and by the sand filter. Refer to the corresponding chapter for
further information on the sand filter.
If the hot-tub is subject to heavy use, it is advisable to set a contin-
uous filtering cycle, or at least of sufficient duration to remove all
contaminants which may enter the water during use.
With the control panel of the electronic box, you can set
filtering to be continuous, during certain periods of the day, or
deactivated. Filtering during specific periods of the day can be
scheduled for one, two or three time periods over a space of 24
hours. To carry out these settings, refer to the next chapter on-
setting of heating and filtering cycles (timer parameters).
To activate filtering according to the parameters memorized
in the timer, the timer must be on (1), i.e with the "clock" key LED
on (see chapter on setting general system parameters).
To read the exact temperature of the water in the tub (the
probe is in the pipe that runs to the filter), the filtering pump
starts up every half hour for five minutes, even if no filtering cy-
cles have been set. This ensures a total of at least 4 hours of water
filtering during the day, even if filtering is deactivated, provided
the system is not off.
When the filtering pump is running due to automatic pro-
gramming, or preset by the timer, it cannot be turned off by the
push button located on the hot-tub.
When users enter the hot-tub and turn on a hydromassage
pump and/or the blower, the filtering pump starts up automat-
Jacuzzi Europe S.p.A. © 2023
ically. It then remains on for another 15 minutes after the hy-
dromassage pumps and/or blower shut off. This eliminates any
contaminants which enter the water during use.
The hot-tub water is heated by a tubular electric heater or a heat
exchanger. The heat exchanger must be connected to a system that
produces hot water. These devices ensure that the water is heated in
just a few hours, even after changing water in the system. The elec-
tric heater is able to increase the temperature of 1 m3 of water by
about 10 °C in an hour, not taking into consideration system heat
loss. For installation in warm climates, where the water in the hot-
tub can be heated using solar energy, the system can be request-
ed with no water heating system. Therefore, other methods will be
used to maintain perfect water temperature.
Do not set water heating temperatures of over 40°C. The recom-
mended temperature is 35-36°C. The electric heater is equipped
with a manual reset safety thermostat, factory set to 45°C.
By means of the control panel of the electronic box, you can
set continuous heating (which is however deactivated when the
programmed temperature is reached), heating at scheduled times
of the day, or deactivated.
Heating at during specific periods of the day can be scheduled
for one, two or three time periods over a space of 24 hours. To
carry out these settings, refer to the next chapter on setting of
heating and filtering cycles (timer parameters).
When heating is set to continuous, or at scheduled times, if
the water temperature as measured by the probe located on the
spa-pak is less than the programmed temperature, the filtering
pump is started and the heater (or heat exchanger) is activated,
and remains on until the programmed temperature is reached.
However, if heating at scheduled times is set, the heater
stays off outside those times, even if the water temperature is
below the programmed temperature.
Water heating can be activated by means of the "heating"
key (4) on the control panel mounted on the electronic box with
the system in "active" status ("start" key on).
Water heating can also be activated by means of the push but-
tons installed on the tub, provided they are enabled. See the
subsequent chapter on push buttons.
By means of the control panel, you can set/modify the wa-
ter heating temperature, either with the system in the "standing
by for commands " status (see the chapter on general system pa-
rameters), or in "active" status (see section on adjustment of water
heating temperature).
In any case, the display must show the message SP—, which can
be modified using the keys"+" and "-".
Jacuzzi Europe S.p.A. © 2023