Do not let mixtures, liquids or food products dry in the container. Rinse after use. Dry product may lock around the blade and weaken/tear the bearings seal when restarted. Do not place
containers in the freezer.
Extremely low temperatures combined with hot ingredients and/or the immediate rapid action of the blade may crack the container. Due to the nature of the polycarbonates used in the
Advance containers and the sound cover assembly, microwaving and automatic dishwashing are not recommended.
* Be sure to wring excess water out of the cloth or sponge when cleaning around
the controls or any electrical part.
** To prolong container life, Vitamix® recommends using soaps with a low Ph
balance, such as a liquid dishwashing detergent (Ivory Liquid®).
*** Recommended sanitising solution: 1.5 tsp./7.4 ml institutional or household
bleach in 2.0 L water.
Motor Base/Control Panel
Unplug the power cable.
Gently wash the outside surface with a damp soft cotton cloth moistened with a mild
solution of warm water and non-abrasive detergent or non-abrasive liquid spray cleaner.
Never immerse the motor base in water or any other liquid.
Thoroughly clean the switches so that they work freely. They may become sticky
from use. Unplug the machine and use a wet cloth, moistened with water* and a mild
detergent, to clean around the edges of the switch paddles until they function freely.
Work the switches back and forth a few times to loosen any dried residue underneath.
Leaving switches sticky will damage or burn out the switches. Clean carefully, using
caution not to allow water or other liquids to infiltrate the switch.
Dry with a soft cotton cloth.
Container and Lid
Separate the lid and plug. Wash in warm soapy water. Rinse clean under running water and
dry. Reassemble before use.
To Clean: Fill the container 1⁄4 full with warm (43 ˚C) water and add a few drops of
washing-up liquid.** Return the container to the motor base and firmly position the
two-piece lid. Run the machine for 30 seconds. Empty the container. Repeat this step.
To Rinse: Fill the container 3⁄4 full with warm (43 ˚C) water, do not add soap. Return
the container to the motor base and firmly position the two-piece lid. Run the
machine for 30 seconds. Empty the container.
If any solid residue remains, remove the blade assembly (see page 15) and wash all
container parts in warm soapy water. Rinse and drain. Reassemble before the next
step. Do not soak the blade assembly.
To Sanitise: If all solid residue is gone after Step 2 or after the completion of Step 3,
fill the container 3⁄4 full with a sanitising solution mix.*** Return the container to the
motor base and firmly position the two-piece lid. Run the machine on a high speed for
30 seconds. Turn off the machine and allow the mixture to stand in the container for
an additional 1 1⁄2 minutes. Pour out the sanitising solution. Return the container to the
motor base and run it empty for an additional 5 seconds. Do not rinse after sanitising.
Allow the container to air dry.
Safety Interlock Lid (select machines)
Clean with a damp cloth while in place on the machine or for a more thorough cleaning lift the
safety lid out of the slots on the side of the machine and wash with mild washing-up liquid.
Reassemble before use. Do not wash in a dishwasher.
l e a n i n g a n d
R o u b l e S h o ot i n g
Possible Actions:
Increased vibration
a. Check the blade assembly for loose,
Leaking from the bottom of the
Increased container noise
b. Tighten the retainer nut with the retainer
Machine will not run
a. Double-check to make sure that the power
b. Check to make sure that the On/Off Switch
c. The thermal protector may have shut the
a. Drive socket may be broken. Check for a
Loud noise from blades
Blades don't spin
b. Blade bearings need to be replaced. Spin
c. Drive spindle on the blade assembly may
Loud grinding noise from the
Motor bearings need to be replaced. Call
blender motor
Vitamix® Customer Services.
a. Double-check to make sure that the
The machine does not start
when the safety interlock is
engaged. (select machines)
b. Check to make sure that the On/Off
c. Make sure that the Safety Lid is in the
damaged or nicked components and
nut spanner, moving clockwise until it
is snug.
cable is firmly in the power socket.
is in the on position. Check to make sure
that the switches are clean and moving
machine off. Turn off the power for up to
45 minutes to reset. Note: Cooling may be
quickened by placing the motor base in
a cool spot. (Unplug first.) Try circulating
the air with a vacuum or fan aimed at the
bottom of the motor base.
fine crack down the centre or worn teeth,
and replace with a new drive socket.
Instructions are included with the part.
the blades using the drive spindle at the
bottom of the container. If the blades spin
freely with no resistance, replace the blade
be worn. Check for worn teeth on the drive
spindle of the blade assembly. Replace the
blade assembly.
power cable is firmly in the power socket.
Switch is in the on position. Check to
make sure that the switches are clean and
moving freely.
lowered position and the lid is firmly
seated in the motor housing slots.