- 1 mains isolating switch (Fig. 2, item 5).
- 1 potential equalizing terminal (Fig.2, item 6).
a) LCD screen / control keyboard
The device can be adjusted by applying moderate pressure to the keyboard buttons.
Button positions (Fig. 3, items 1 to 5).
Item 1: Increase irrigation flow.
Item 2: Decrease irrigation flow.
Item 3: Flush/prime.
Item 4: Save, validate or select.
Item 5: Programme selection.
The LCD screen displays all information required by the user.
Display positions (Fig. 3, items 6 to 9).
Item 6: Store in memory.
Item 7: Irrigation flow rate with associated bar graph.
Item 8: Programme with associated bar graph.
Item 9: Device status (ultrasound activated, error detection).
b) Rear face of console
The mains connector (Fig. 2, item 1) with its earthing pin allows the device to be connected to the electrical
network via a removable mains power cable.
The pedal connector (Fig. 2, item 2) allows the device to be connected to the multifunction control pedal.
The fan (Fig. 2, item 3) protected by a metal grille ensures the device always operates at optimum performance
The bracket support (Fig. 2, item 4) allows the bracket to be positioned.
The mains isolating switch (Fig. 2, item 5) is used to switch the device on or off.
A potential equalizing terminal (Fig. 2, item 6) allows the device to be connected to other installation
equipment as required.
c) Right-side face of console
- The pump housing (Fig. 1, item 8) is designed to receive SATELEC irrigation line cassettes.
An irrigation cassette is installed by lifting the pump cover and inserting the cassette horizontally into the
purpose-designed housing.
d) Front face
The connector (Fig. 1, item 7) is designed to receive the handpiece cable connector. Only the PIEZOTOME SOLO
handpiece shall be used.
e) Control pedal
The control pedal allows professionals to work in a completely sterile environment by preventing cross
contamination risks.
Once the various parameters have been set, the operator no longer needs to use the keyboard.
Pedal definition (Fig. 4, items 1 to 3).
Item 1: Ultrasound activation.
Item 2: Mode change (from d1 to d4).
Item 3: Arch.
f) Technical characteristics
Manufacturer: SATELEC
Name of device: PIEZOTOME SOLO
Electrical supply:
- Voltage: 100 VAC to 230 VAC
- Frequency: 50 Hz / 60 Hz
- Nominal power: 150 VAC to 230 VAC
Piezotome Solo V6 V2