Using three example studios, we will go step-by-step
through the process of connecting the SyncStation in
each system.
Composer's home studio
In this first example, a personal project studio that func-
tions as a composer's suite for film and television music
will be used. System Link is used to connect two audio
workstations; a main Nuendo system for editing and mix-
ing and a Cubase system for running VSTi instruments
and external MIDI devices. A Digital Betacam VTR is used
to layback finished cues to videotape. Additionally, an Ale-
sis HD 24 hard disk recorder is used to print stems to mix
at a dubbing theater.
• Nuendo system
• Cubase VSTi system
• Alesis HD 24 hard disk recorder
• Digital Betacam VTR
In this example, the SyncStation will be used as the ma-
ster clock source for all the audio equipment in the studio.
Each of the word clock outputs is connected to the two
audio cards for the Nuendo and Cubase systems plus an-
other word clock connection to the HD 24. Since there is
no other video equipment involved besides the Betacam
deck, video sync will come from the VTR.
Example connections for a composer's home studio
Machine control is used to control and sync with the Beta-
cam VTR via RS422. Also, MMC is used to remotely arm
tracks on the HD 24. Since a Digital Betacam deck is
standard definition, only bi-level video sync is used as the
frame reference. Timecode from the Betacam is communi-
cated over the RS422 protocol and will be used as the
timecode source in the SyncStation.
Extended System Link connections
Notice that there are two System Link connections, the
extended connection used by the SyncStation for sample-
accurate positioning and the normal connection between
Steinberg DAWs via the SyncStation.
Note that the extended System Link connection only
goes one way, from the audio card in the Nuendo system
to one of the three digital inputs of the SyncStation.
In order to use one of the digital outputs of the Sync-
Station to pass System Link on to other Steinberg DAWs,
Menu Clock 09 or 10 would be set to SLink I/P in order
for System Link signals to pass through the SyncStation.
When using the extended System Link connection to
the SyncStation, all System Link settings must be
made via the SyncStation's front panel or the Sync-
Station Settings pop-up window in Nuendo. The
Nuendo System Link setup in the Devices menu can-
not be used while the extended System Link is en-
SyncStation settings for home studio example
• Master & Timecode Source = RS422 Out
• Frame Reference = Video
• Clock Reference = Use Frame Ref
• Wordclocks = 1x
• Precision Alignment System Link = On
• Track Arming Routing = Nuendo > RS422 or MIDI
• Nuendo Machine Control Output = SyncStation (RS422)
Example Studio Setups