Unit 03 - Timecode Standard
Unit 03-Timecode Standard
>Pal >NonDrop >Film >Drop
The timecode standard determines the frame count that
the SyncStation will use. This is not to be confused with
the frame rate or speed of the video reference signal.
>Pal (P in SyncStation display)
25 frames per timecode second.
>NonDrop (N in SyncStation display)
30 frames per SMPTE second. NTSC standard. Usually
runs at a frame rate of 29.97fps.
>Film (F in SyncStation display)
24 frames per timecode second. Also used for 24p HD
>Drop (D in SyncStation display)
Still 30 frames per SMPTE second, but specific frame num-
bers are skipped in order to bring the timecode clock in line
with real-time while the frame rate is 29.97fps NTSC.
The SyncStation recognizes the timecode standard com-
ing from Nuendo, MIDI In, RS422 In, and LTC In. Depend-
ing on the standard, either a F, P, N, or D is displayed next
to the timecode source name on the LCD. This setting
changes the standard for the SyncStation's Virtual Master
if it is running stand-alone and not connected to a Nuendo
system. If the frame reference is set to Internal and the
SyncStation is connected to Nuendo, the Virtual Master
will follow Nuendo's Project Setup settings.
Unit 04 - Reference Frame Rate
Unit 04-Reference Frame Rate
>25 >30 >24 >24.98 >29.97 >23.98
The SyncStation automatically recognizes the frame rate
coming from Nuendo and will match the setting made in
the Project Setup dialog. Any changes made to this set-
ting will only be effective if the SyncStation is not con-
nected to Nuendo and running in stand-alone mode.
Unit 05 - System Link
Unit 05-System Link
>Off >On
This setting activates the Precision Time Alignment for
sample-accurate sync to the video frame edge.
The extended System Link is not active. The SyncStation
will still provide excellent sync, just not sample-accurate to
the frame edge.
When the extended System Link is activated, the Sync-
Station will receive sample-accurate timing information
from Nuendo and compare that with the frame reference
to generate a correction that will precisely align playback
to the sample.
Setting up System Link from Nuendo
In the Project Synchronization Setup dialog, click the
"Open SyncStation Settings" button to reveal more set-
tings. Select the "Send Data via System Link" option to
turn the extended System Link on. Once System Link is
turned on, you will see options for setting up outputs from
your audio cards and inputs to the SyncStation.
Unit 06 - System Link Input
Unit 06-System Link Input
>AES1 >AES2 >Opto >SPDIF
When System Link is active in the SyncStation, one of the
four digital audio ports must be selected to receive the
signal from Nuendo.
>AES 1
The AES 1 input uses the XLR input on the SyncStation.
System Link signals will always be sent on the right chan-
nel for all audio inputs.
>AES 2
This AES input uses the BNC input. BNC connections
with coaxial RG59 or higher resolution cable can be run
over greater distances than XLR balanced lines. This facil-
itates remote placement of the SyncStation in the ma-
chine room of larger facilities. A transformer adapter may
be used to convert XLR AES signals to BNC Coaxial.
Menu Reference