For information on selecting a master clock source for
the SyncStation, see
"Clock 01 - Clock Reference"
Frame reference (phase)
The timecode generator in the SyncStation generates
timecode referenced to either an internal crystal clock or
external frame reference signal. This frame reference is
also used to align the audio clock to the edge of the time-
code frame.
There are four choices for timecode frame references:
• Internal
The SyncStation's internal crystal clock will be used to align each frame
of timecode. This is best to use when no additional external video equip-
ment is being used and only video within Nuendo is being played back.
• Video
This setting will use the black burst (bi-level SD video) or tri-level (HD
video) sync present at the Video Sync In connector to align each frame
of timecode. When external video equipment is being synchronized with
Nuendo, this is the preferred setting.
This setting will use the leading edge of an analog timecode signal as a
frame reference. This setting is useful when the only positional and
speed references both come from analog timecode such as syncing to
an analog audio tape machine.
When the only timecode information available is coming in via MIDI, this
setting will align each timecode frame to MTC.
For information on how to set the frame reference, see
"Unit 02 - Frame Reference"
It is imperative that the clock and frame reference be
tied together, running at the same speed. If indepen-
dent frame and clock references are used, they must
reference a single clock source for correct operation
of the SyncStation.
Machine control
The SyncStation can receive and transmit transport com-
mands and track record arming commands via RS422,
MIDI, and USB.
Transport commands
Transport commands from the MIDI and RS422 inputs will
be merged and routed to the Master and Timecode Source
device as set in
"Unit 01 - Master & Timecode Source"
23. For example, if the timecode source is set to
RS422 Out, all transport commands from the MIDI input
and the RS422 In will be routed to the RS422 Out.
Transport commands from the host Nuendo system can
be routed independently to the MIDI Out, RS422 Out or
the Virtual Master as set in the "Machine Control Output
Settings" section of the Project Synchronization Setup di-
alog. For example, the timecode source could be the LTC
reader but transport commands from Nuendo could be
routed to the RS422 Out if needed.
Track arming commands
Each machine control input can have its track arming
commands routed to a different destination. For example,
the MIDI input could have its track arming commands
routed to the RS422 output while Nuendo's track arming
commands (via USB) could be routed to the MIDI output.
For more information on how to route track arming com-
mands, see
"P2in 02 - RS422-In Track Arming"
"MIDI 03 - MIDI In Track Arming"
"USB 03 - Nuendo Track Arming"
Virtual Machine Master (VMast)
The SyncStation itself can act like a "virtual tape machine",
following transport commands from all machine control in-
puts and operate its internal timecode generator based on
those commands (locate, play, record, stop, etc.).
Once the Virtual Master begins to run, timecode is gener-
ated at all outputs (USB, MIDI, RS422, and LTC) so that
any connected device will play in sync with the internal
timecode generator of the SyncStation.
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