7.7 Expansion modules
The pump can be fitted with an expansion module
enabling communication with external signals
(signal transmitters).
Two types of expansion modules are available:
Relay module
GENI module.
Twin-head pumps are always fitted with GENI
Connection examples (GENI module) can be found
on pages 11 and 12.
7.8 Relay module
For mounting and operation, see separate
installation and operating instructions for the relay
External start/stop
Fault, ready and operating indication via signal
7.9 GENI module
For mounting and operation, see separate
installation and operating instructions for the GENI
External start/stop
External forced control
External analog 0-10 V control
Bus communication via GENIbus
Control of twin-head pumps
Fault, ready and operating indication via signal
ГК Водная техника info@water-technics.ru (495) 771 72 72 www.water-technics.ru
Интернет-магазин info@wtpump.ru (499) 937 50 61 (800) 505 78 67 www.wtpump.ru
7.9.1 Control of twin-head pumps
Twin-head pumps are supplied fitted with a GENI
module on each control box. The modules are
connected via a cable.
Left pump head
Flow direction
Fig. 8
Twin-head pump with GENI modules
For connection of the communication cable between
the GENI modules, see pages 11 and 12.
The communication between the control box and the
GENI module is wireless.
Twin-head pumps are factory-set to the control mode
and the operating mode "alternating
operation", which is described below.
Operating modes:
Alternating operation
Pump operation alternates every 24 hours. If the
duty pump stops due to a fault, the other pump
will start.
Standby operation
One pump is operating continuously. In order to
prevent seizing-up, the other pump will start at a
fixed frequency and run for a short period. If the
duty pump stops due to a fault, the other pump
will start.
In air-conditioning systems, standby
operation is recommended to avoid
critical condensation inside the pump.
Right pump head