Wastewater with or without sewage which col-
1.1 Application
lects below the backwater level (ground level)
can be pumped with this system. It is important
that enough water is available during pumping –
due to this do not use any 'water saving flush
buttons' on WCs. Always use the full flush but-
The KESSEL Aqualift F Compact wastewater lif-
ting station is only to be used to pump domestic
wastewater / sewage and not to be used to
pump any type of flammable or explosive fluids.
The system is only for use to cut / macerate raw
sewage, toilet paper and domestic wastewater.
The warranty on the system will be void if da-
mage occurs from the pumping of foreign matter
such as bandages, tampons, Q-tips, wet naps,
moist towels, razor blades, cotton swabs, spon-
ges, plastics, diapers or other objects. The sy-
stem is only for use with domestic wastewater.
All other fluids such as thinners or solvents are
not allowed to enter the system. It is recommen-
ded that the included warning label (Illustration
1) is placed in a clearly visible area so that it is
clear to all system user's what is not allowed in
the system.
1. General
Any condensation water (for example from a
heating furnace) should be properly diluted be-
fore draining into the system.
The KESSEL Aqualift F Compact wastewater lif-
1.2 System description
ting station consists of a pumping chamber with
backwater flap and a flange connection, also a
vertically adjustable upper section (load class
K3 – 300 kg) and a recessed cover (to be tiled
on-site) and an integrated floor drain. In the case
that the installation depth of the Aqualift F Com-
pact is not sufficient, an extension section is
available (Art. # 83071). KESSEL recommends
that a closure valve is installed in the outlet pres-
sure pipe of the Aqualift F Compact.
ill 1