Operating Tips
Improving speed of concentration
Speed of filtration is affected by
several parameters including temperature, pH and
protein concentration. Whilst Vivapore concentrators
will provide rapid filtration in most environments, the
following suggestions may be helpful in optimising
Filtration speed will increase proportionally to ambi-
ent temperature. Should you require faster concentra-
tion, place the concentrator in a warmer location,
however note not to exceed the maximum temperatur
of 30°C.
An acid sample with a pH of less than 5 will take
longer to concentrate than a neutral sample.
Adjustment to a physiological pH will result in faster
Suspended particles will tend to foul the filter
element and slow filtration speed. Prefiltration with
a syringe filter will clarify the sample and result in
faster filtration speed and improved analytical results
following concentration.
Initial protein concentration levels will have a signifi-
cant effect on concentration speed. Whilst a highly
dilute sample will concentrate rapidly, once macro-
molecule con centration exceeds 2%, the speed
of filtration will rapidly decrease.
Concentrations above 5% are not practical with
Vivapore concentrators. (For high levels of macro-
molecular concentration, use Vivaspin centrifugal
Recovering dry samples
Vivapore concentrators have an impermeable concen-
trate pocket (dead stop) which impedes concentration
to dryness. However, if the concentrate inadvertently
remains too long in the concentrator, the remain-
ing solvent will eventually evaporate and the sample
may go to dryness. Should this occur, proteins may
be returned to solution by pipetting approximately
100 µl of buffer in and out of the concentrate pocket
several times.
Vivapore devices should be stored in a dry environ-
ment at 4 to 30°C.
Please store the devices in their original packaging.
Used units may be incinerated or autoclaved, the
stands are reusable for further concentrations.
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