Sartorius Stedim Lab Ltd
Sperry Way
Stonehouse Park
GL10 3UT, UK
Phone +44 (0) 1453 821 972
Fax +44 (0) 1453 827 928
The information in this publica-
tion is believed to be accurate,
and is offered in good faith for
the benefit of the user. As we
cannot anticipate or control
conditions of product applica-
tion, we do not warrant suita-
bility or favourable results, nor
that use will not infringe on
any patents. Products are fur-
nished upon the condition that
the user assumes all risks and
liabilities and that neither seller
or manufacturer shall be liable
for any loss or damage, direct or
sequential arising from the use
or inability to use the product.
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Publication No.: SLU6098-p160607
Ver. 06 | 2016