Optimizing Throughout and Reading Rate
1140 Dnld_time=0
1150 Tns_time=0
The test situation is the same as the default situation but the ranges are set to the
range necessary for the measurement instead of auto range.
Correct integration time: (Subprogram Integrate) time= 3.76 s.
1170 SUB Integrat(REAL Dnld_time,Exe_time,Tns_time)
1180 DIM A(37)
1190 Exe_time=TIMEDATE
1200 OUTPUT 722;"PRESET"
1210 OUTPUT 722;"OHM,lE4;NPLC 0"
1220 FOR I=1 TO 15
1230 ENTER 722;A(I)
1240 NEXT I
1250 OUTPUT 722;"OHM,1E5"
1410 ENTER 722;A(34)
1420 OUTPUT 722;"DCV,10;NPLC 0"
1430 FOR I=35 TO 37
1440 ENTER 722;A(I)
1450 NEXT I
1460 Exe_time=TIMEDATE-Exe_time
1470 Dnld_time=0
1480 Tns_time=0
The test situation is the same as the fixed range situation, but the integration time
selected for each measurement is correct for the required resolution and accuracy
instead of the default of 10PLC.
Correct delay time: (Subprogram Delay) time = 1.48 s.
1500 SUB Delay(REAL Dnld_time,Exe_time,Tns_time)
1510 DIM A(37)
1520 Exe_time=TIMEDATE
1530 OUTPUT 722;"PRESET"
1540 OUTPUT 722;"OHM,1E4;NPLC 0;DELAY 0
1550 FOR I=1 TO 15
1730 OUTPUT 722;"ACV,10;ACBAND 5000;APER 20E-6;DELAY .01"
1740 ENTER 722;A(34)
Keysight 3458A User's Guide