New Multimeter Commands
The following commands are not documented in chapter 6 but are included in this
supplement for your convenience. These commands will work with all revisions of
the 3458AA's instrument firmware (except as noted).
ENTER user_variable Transfers a reading from the multimeter's reading memory
to a user variable. The multimeter reading is erased after execution. Example:
OUTPUT user_variable Outputs the present value of a user variable. The data is
sent to either to the display or GPIB output buffer based on the source from which
the subprogram was executed. Example: OUTPUT Result
U_RANGE Up ranges once in the present function.
D_RANGE Down ranges once in the present function.
DSP string or user_variable Outputs to the multimeter's front-panel display both
text and user variable data (available only in REV 2.1 firmware and greater).
DSP? Reads the present front-panel display.
SCROLL LEFT | RIGHT Scrolls the present front-panel display one character to the
left or right. This applies only to text sent with the DISP command (for more
information see chapter 6).
ECHO string Echoes the specified string back to either the multimeter's
front-panel display or GPIB. The data is sent to either to the display or GPIB
output buffer based on the source from which the subprogram was executed.
RETURN Used in a subprogram to return before the SUBEND statement.
RMATHV register, user_variable Reads a standard multimeter math register into a
user variable (available only in REV 5. 1 firmware and greater).
WAIT msec Wait before executing the next command (32 seconds maximum).
Keysight 3458A User's Guide
BASIC Language for the 3458A