Command Reference
For example, suppose your maximum expected input is 10 V and you want 1 mV of
resolution. To determine %_resolution, use the equation:
%_resolution = (actual resolution/maximum input) × 100
In this example, the equation evaluates to:
%_resolution = (.001/10) × 100 = .0001 × 100 = .01
When using autorange, the multimeter multiplies the %_resolution parameter
times the full scale reading of the selected range. The result is the minimum
resolution. The multimeter always gives you at least the minimum resolution
and, in many cases, gives you additional digits of resolution.
Power-on %_resolution = none. At power-on, the resolution is determined by the
NPLC command which produces 8 ½ digits. (The power-on value for NDIG masks
1 display digit causing the multimeter to display only 7 ½ digits. You can use the
NDIG 8 command to display all 8 ½ digits; refer to the
Default %_resolution:
– Query command: The RANGE? query command returns the present
– Related commands: ARANGE, FUNC, R
In the following program, line 10 allows %_resolution in line 30 to control the
resolution. The resolution specified by line 30 is 10 mW.
For frequency or period measurements, the default %_resolution is .00001
which selects a gate time of 1 s and 7 digits of resolution.
For sampled ACV or ACDCV, the default %_resolution is 0.01% for SETACV
SYNC, or 0.4% for SETACV RNDM.
For all other measurement functions, the default resolution time is determined
by the present integration time.
measurement range. (RANGE? does not indicate the autorange mode; use the
ARANGE? command to determine the autorange mode.) Refer to
near the front of this chapter for more information.
command for
Keysight 3458A User's Guide