TLS2 Setup
Regulatory Compliance and Approvals
Plan your leak detection program to comply with local, state, and federal regulations governing underground
storage tanks. Save all inventory and leak test records provided by the system as part of a regulatory compliance
The system, when equipped with magnestrictive 0.2 gallon-per-hour (gph) (0.76 lph) (Mag 2) probes , is classified
as an Automatic Tank Gauge System and has been third-party tested by Midwest Research Institute. This system
can detect a 0.2 gph leak exceeding a 95% probability of detection [P(D)] and less than a 5% probability of false
alarm [P(FA)]. It meets federal U.S. E.P.A. performance standards (0.2 gph at [P(D)] of 95% and [P(FA)] of 5%)
and the federal performance standard of measuring water in the bottom of a tank to the nearest 1/8 inch (3.2 mm).
The system, when equipped with magnestrictive 0.1 gph (0.38 lph) (Mag 1) probes, meets Volumetric Tank
Tightness Testing Method standards and has been third-party tested by Midwest Research Institute. This system
can detect a 0.1 gph leak exceeding a 95% probability of detection [P(D)] and less than a 1% probability of false
alarm [P(FA)]. This system meet U.S. E.P.A. federal performance standards (0.1 gph at [P(D)] of 95% and [P(FA)]
of 5%).
The TLS2 Console features a front panel touch screen display, a dual-purpose Alarm/Normal LED, and an audible
beeper for alarm and warning notification. Serial and parallel printer ports are available for connection to a remote
printer. The TLS2 Console can monitor up to six magnetostrictive probes.
Monitoring Functions
Depending on installed equipment, the console can provide:
• Inventory status for up to six tanks
• In-tank leak detection.
Output Relay
An output relay is provided that can trigger external alarm devices when an alarm condition is sensed by the
Communications Functions
Several communications options are available for the TLS2 Console:
• RS-232
• RS-422
• RS-485 2-wire or 4-wire
• External modem support
• Serial or parallel remote printer interface