Preparing for the First Flight
Please note this checklist is not intended to be a replacement for the content of this instruction manual. Although it can be used as a
quick start guide, we strongly suggest reading through this manual completely before proceeding.
• Remove and inspect contents
• Begin charging the fl ight battery
• Install the 4 included AA batteries in the transmitter
• Install the fl ight battery in the helicopter (once it has been fully charged)
• Check the Center of Gravity of the helicopter
• Test the controls
• Install the optional Training Gear Set (EFLH1527; strongly recommended if this is your fi rst collective-pitch equipped
helicopter model)
• Familiarize yourself with the controls
• Find a suitable area for fl ying
Flying Checklist
Please note this checklist is not intended to be a replacement for the content of this instruction manual. Although it can be used as a
quick start guide, we strongly suggest reading through this manual completely before proceeding.
❏ Always turn the transmitter on fi rst
❏ Plug the fl ight battery into the 2-in-1 control unit
❏ Allow the 2-in-1 control unit and gyro to arm and initialize properly
❏ Fly the model
❏ Land the model
❏ Unplug the fl ight battery from the 2-in-1 control unit
❏ Always turn the transmitter off last
Battery Charging
It is important that you only charge the included 3S 11.1V 1000mAh Li-Po Battery Pack (EFLB0997) with the included 3S 11.1V Li-Po
Balancing Charger (EFLC3105). Your battery pack is equipped with special Charge Protection Circuitry and a Balance Charge Lead with
connector that is only compatible with this charger.
CAUTION: Attempting to charge the battery pack using another Li-Po charger or non Li-Po compatible charger could result in per-
sonal injury and/or property damage. Please familiarize yourself thoroughly with the Battery Warnings and Guidelines section
before continuing.
The included 3S 11.1V Li-Po Balancing Charger will charge a near fully discharged (not over-discharged) 3S 11.1V 1000mAh Li-Po Bat-
tery Pack in approximately 1.2–1.5 hours. In some cases the charge time may be shorter depending on the actual amount of capacity
left in the pack after a fl ight.
CAUTION: NEVER charge the battery unattended.
Note: The Li-Po battery pack included with your Blade SR will arrive partially charged. For this reason the initial charge may only take
approximately 30–50 minutes.
The charger requires up to 1.5 amps of 11.5–15-volt DC input power that can be supplied by the included AC to 12V DC, 1.5-amp Power
Supply (EFLC4000) for convenient charging anywhere an AC outlet is available.
CAUTION: NEVER attempt to power the charger from an AC outlet without the use of a proper AC to DC adapter/power supply.
Note: When using the AC to DC adapter/power supply, the charger is protected to prevent damage if the alligator clips touch. However,
please take care to ensure that the alligator clips do not cause shorting of the battery, adapter/power supply, etc. by keeping
them clear.
Input power for the charger can also be supplied from a small 12-volt gel cell or car battery.