• Then, once the orange LED on the receiver glows solidly, the receiver is bound to the transmitter. Now you will need to power down
the 2-in-1 control unit, receiver and transmitter, and remove the bind plug from the receiver.
Note: You will need to remove the bind plug from the receiver once it has been bound to the transmitter. If you do not remove the
bind plug, the receiver will enter bind mode every time the 2-in-1 unit and receiver are powered on.
Transmitter and Receiver Range Testing
The HP6DSM transmitter features Spektrum 2.4GHz DSM full range technology. It also features a range test mode that allows you to
check and ensure that the transmitter and receiver are offering the required range for proper and reliable operation.
Before each fl ying session, you should perform a range check. The transmitter must be in the range check mode.
Enter the range check mode by having the transmitter powered on, then pulling the trainer (TRAINER) switch toward the front of the trans-
mitter. While holding the trainer switch forward, Cycle the dual rate (D RATE) switch from the high position (HI) to the low position (LO) two
times (for a total of four dual rate switch position changes).
After cycling the dual rate switch properly while holding the trainer switch, the transmitter should begin to beep. The transmitter is now in
range check mode, and will continue to beep and remain in this mode until the trainer switch is released.
Note: It is helpful to perform the range check with the help of another person that can confi rm proper control response of the model
while it is positioned away from you.
• With the model resting on the ground, stand 30 paces (approximately 90 feet) away from the model.
• Face the model with the transmitter in your normal fl ying position.
• You should have total control of the model with the trainer switch pulled at 30 paces (90 feet).
2010 Offi cial Academy of Model Aeronautics Safety Code
Effective January 1, 2010
1. A model aircraft shall be defi ned as a non-human carrying device capable of sustained fl ight in the atmosphere. It shall not exceed
limitations established in this code and is intended to be used exclusively for recreational or competition activity.
2. The maximum takeoff weight of a model aircraft, including fuel, is 55 pounds, except for those fl own under the AMA Experimental
Aircraft Rules.
3. I will abide by this Safety Code and all rules established for the fl ying site I use. I will not willfully fl y my model aircraft in a reckless
and/or dangerous manner.
4. I will not fl y my model aircraft in sanctioned events, air shows, or model demonstrations until it has been proven airworthy.
5. I will not fl y my model aircraft higher than approximately 400 feet above ground level, when within three (3) miles of an airport with-
out notifying the airport operator. I will yield the right-of-way and avoid fl ying in the proximity of full-scale aircraft, utilizing a spotter
when appropriate.
6. I will not fl y my model aircraft unless it is identifi ed with my name and address, or AMA number, inside or affi xed to the outside of the
model aircraft. This does not apply to model aircraft fl own indoors.
7. I will not operate model aircraft with metal-blade propellers or with gaseous boosts (other than air), nor will I operate model aircraft
with fuels containing tetranitromethane or hydrazine.
8. I will not operate model aircraft carrying pyrotechnic devices which explode, burn, or propel a projectile of any kind. Exceptions
include Free Flight fuses or devices that burn producing smoke and are securely attached to the model aircraft during fl ight. Rocket
motors up to a G-series size may be used, provided they remain fi rmly attached to the model aircraft during fl ight. Model rockets
may be fl own in accordance with the National Model Rocketry Safety Code; however, they may not be launched from model aircraft.
Offi cially designated AMAAir Show Teams (AST) are authorized to use devices and practices as defi ned within the Air Show Advisory
Committee Document.
9. I will not operate my model aircraft while under the infl uence of alcohol or within eight (8) hours of having consumed alcohol.
10. I will not operate my model aircraft while using any drug which could adversely affect my ability to safely control my model aircraft.
11. Children under six (6) years old are only allowed on a fl ightline or in a fl ight area as a pilot or while under fl ight instruction.
12. When and where required by rule, helmets must be properly worn and fastened. They must be OSHA, DOT, ANSI, SNELL or
NOCSAE approved or comply with comparable standards.