Flybar Weights, Head Dampening Shims and Fine-Tuning Cyclic Response
Your Blade SR is equipped with two sets of fl ybar weights that are secured in both the outermost position against the fl ybar paddle and
the innermost position, closest to the head/main shaft.
Note: The innermost collars are used to secure the paddle control frame and should not be moved.
In the outer position, the weights help provide added stability by increasing the amount of cyclic input required to overcome the
gyroscopic force of the fl ybar paddles. In general, fl ying with the weights in this position will still provide good cyclic response, but
with reduced sensitivity (especially when in hover), when compared to having them positioned closer to the head/main shaft on the fl ybar.
We suggest you make your fi rst fl ights with the fl ybar weights in this position before making any adjustments.
If, after the fi rst few fl ights, you feel as though the cyclic response is too quick, we recommend moving the inner set of weights out, next
to the outer set. With both sets in the outer position, the cyclic response will become noticeably less responsive.
If, you would prefer to have even quicker cyclic response, you can reposition the outer fl ybar weights so that they are closer in to the
head/main shaft on the fl ybar. It is usually best to move the weights in only a small distance at a time before making each subsequent
test fl ight, until you fi nd the position at which you prefer the cyclic response most.
Note: It is important that the weight(s) on each side of the fl ybar be positioned at a distance equal from the head/main shaft in order
to prevent imbalance that could lead to vibration in the rotor head.
Dampening of the rotor head (main rotor blades) can also be adjusted in order to fi ne-tune the cyclic response of your model. In general,
stiffer dampening will result in quicker cyclic response. The dampening of your Blade SR has been set to provide good stability right out
of the box, and we suggest that you make your fi rst fl ights with this amount of dampening before making any changes.
If, after the fi rst few fl ights, you would prefer to have quicker cyclic response, you can stiffen the rotor head dampening by adding shims
between the O-ring and step washer on each side of the center hub (see the "Exploded View" drawing and parts listing for reference).
Head dampening shims are available separately in packs of eight (EFLH1144); install only one shim per side at a time before making
each test fl ight, until you fi nd the dampening you prefer.
Note: Always install an equal number of shims on each side of the center hub.
Note: If you install too many shims, the helicopter can wobble and shake in fl ight.