If at any time during the test the controls do not respond properly, double-check the positions of the dip switches located under the door
on the bottom left front of the transmitter. These dip switches set the transmitter programming for functions such as servo reversing,
model type and various forms of mixing. Each switch should be set in the position as shown for proper control of the Blade SR.
If the controls still do not respond properly after ensuring the dip switch positions are correct, you should also check the servo connec-
tions to the receiver. The servos should be connected to the corresponding channel on the receiver as follows (when viewing the helicop-
ter from behind):
AILE (Aileron) Channel – Left Rear aileron servo
ELEV (Elevator) Channel – Forward elevator servo
AUX1 (Pitch) Channel – Right Rear pitch servo
Once you've confi rmed the proper dip switch positions and servo connections, all controls should be functioning properly. However, if you
continue to encounter any problems with your Blade SR responding properly to the transmitter, do not fl y. If you still encounter diffi culties,
contact the appropriate Horizon Product Support offi ce.
If you've confi rmed proper control operation of your Blade SR, unplug the fl ight battery and reconnect the main and tail
motors to the 2-in-1 unit, taking care to connect them to the proper leads using the markings on the label for reference.