9. Penetrating the Model
To be able to use your model's maximum capacity, you must penetrate your model. This does not mean that you should accept your model's pecularities. Rather,
you should complete various flight manoevres in a systematic manner, and carefully observe your model's behaviour. Fly the figures several times as this would
be the only way to exclude control errors or an unclean penetration into the figure. When making changes to the model, only change one parameter at a time,
and then check for any flight changes.
Function requiring to be checked
Control stick's swings
Use complete swings for the
respective rudder function
Location of barycentre (this
Trimm the model for flight at an
setting depends on the desired
adequate height while level, and press
flight behavior. A barycentre
it downward vertically while throttling
located in the rear will cause less
the engine. (Be careful not to fly too
stability but better flight
fast and watch for interception
radiuses that are excessively narrow)
Engine pulls to the right
Fly away from your position and watch
whether your model will not "drop" a
wing. Pull the model vertically upward
at maximum speed.
Fly several times back and forth at full
engine capacity at a 90° angle to your
line of vision. Abruptly take out the
gas each time the model is directly in
front of you.
Fly several roles with your model.
Please note that the individual settings can mutually affect each other. This is why an exact penetration requires that you control the model
perfectly, have some experience, and the necessary patience to turn a model airplane into an acrobatic airplane model.
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Flight behaviour
Model changes
Check its reaction to each control
- Adjust your desired swings for
the elevator and aileron.
- The rudder will be set to
maximum swing.
A: The model will continue its flight
A: No changes required
path bold upright and downwards.
B: Move the barycentre further to
B: The model will change its flight path
the rear or glue lead into the
fuselage's rear
C: The model is undercutting and
C: Move the barycentre further to
dives away downwards.
the front or glue some lead into the
fuselage's tip
A: The model is climbing
A: No changes required
B: The model is turning to the left
B: Increase the engine's side pull
while climbing
C: Reduce the engine's side pull
C: The model ist turning to the right
while climbing
A: The model continues its straight
A: No changes required
B: Reduce the down thrust
B: The model "escapes" upwards.
C: Increase the down thrust
C: The model "escapes" downwards.
A: The model rolls as if pulled by a
A: No changes required
B: Increase the differential (the
B: The roll axis pulls itself similar to a
aileron pointing downward will
cork screw in the direction in which it
swing less wide)
C: Reduce the differential (the
C: The roll axis pulls itself similar to
aileron pointing downward will
a cork screw against the direction in
swing wider)
which it rolls.
Les accessoires suivants sont indispensables à l´assemblage et au fonctionnement du modèle miniature :
Montage :
Couteau de modélisme, ciseaux, miniperceuse avec différentes mèches, tournevis, crayon pour films, résine epoxy 5 min, éventuellement agent thixotrope
(microballon ou poudre de coton) pour épaissir la résine, colle instantanée liquide, papier abrasif, fer à repasser et bande autoagrippante.
Attention !
Des vapeurs nocives pour la santé peuvent se dégager lorsque vous manipulez les colles et imprégnez le bois de balsa de colle instantanée.
Veillez par conséquent à une aération suffisante du local de travail. L´exédent de colle instantanée peut être enlevé avec de l´acétone en vente en
Assemblage final :
4 micro-servos de haute qualité
(par ex. n° de commande Conrad 230500 ou 223145)
1 moteur électrique à induit intérieur Brushless
(par ex. n° de commande Conrad 233999)
1 régulateur sans balais
(par ex. n° de commande Conrad 234020)
1 hélice pour moteurs électriques
(par ex. n° de commande Conrad 231431)
1 accu de propulsion LiPo
(par ex. n° de commande Conrad 231812)
4 cordons-rallonges de servo
(par ex. n° de commande Conrad 223733)
1 cône d´hélice approprié au choix
Fonctionnement :
Une radiocommande appropriée à partir de 4 canaux est requise pour voler.
5. Explication des symboles
Un point d'exclamation placé dans un triangle attire l'attention sur des dangers particuliers lors du maniement, du service et de l'utilisation.
Le symbole de la flèche précède des conseils et consignes d´utilisation particuliers.