1 .
po tant in t ction
1. Be ore usi
the product, it is esse tial that the
supervisor and operator review and understand
the information in the manual provided by Tractel
SAS, i order to e sure sa e a d e ecti e use o the
e uipme t. This ma ual must e made a aila le at
all times to all operators. Additional copies can be
o tai ed upo re uest rom Tractel
2. Be ore usi
this sa ety e uipme t, it is esse tial
that users are trained in its use. Check the condition
o the product a d associated e uipme t a d
ensure there is enough fall clearance and there are
no obstacles in the path of the fall.
3. The product may only be used by trained and skilled
operators or by operators under the oversight of a
4. The product must not be used and must be checked
y Tractel SAS or y a authorised a d uali ed
technician who must authorise in writing the re-
commissioning of the product if:
• It is not in a visibly good condition;
• There are concerns about how safe it is;
• It has been used to arrest a fall; or
• It has not undergone a periodic inspection over
the past 12 months; user safety depends on
the e uipme t e ecti e a d stro
5. It is advisable to conduct a visual inspection before
each use. The operator must make sure that each
compo e t is i
ood worki
check the condition of the mast rotation ring and
that it is prese t o the mast.
the safety functions must not be deteriorated in any
6. A y modi catio s or additio s to the product is
prohi ited. The e uipme t must e tra sported a d
stored in its original packaging.
7. If the weight of the operator plus that of their
e uipme t is
essential to make sure that the total weight does not
exceed the safe working load of each component of
the fall arrest system.
8. This product may be used in temperatures ranging
from -35° C to +60° C.
9. Comply
10. The operator must e physically a d me tally t
this product.
your doctor or your occupational doctor. Pregnant
women may not use this product.
11. This product should not be used beyond its limits or
in any situation other than for its intended use. (See
chapter 4. Functions and descriptions.)
12. If the anchor device is intended to arrest a fall
ol i
a operator, the operator must use a all
arrest system in accordance with the standard
order, a d speci cally
he it is put i place,
100 k
a d 1 0 k , it is
dou t, check with
EN 363. The system must guarantee a fall arrest
force below 6 kN.
13. Be ore each use o a all arrest system, check that
there is enough fall clearance and that there are no
obstacles in the path of the fall.
14. An EN 361 full body harness is the only body-
gripping device that can be used in a fall arrest
system. It must be anchored onto the point marked
A on the harness.
15. It is essential for operator safety that the device or
anchor point is correctly positioned and that work
is carried out so as to minimise the risk of falls and
the height.
16. or operator sa ety, the dealer must supply the
following if the product is resold outside the initial
destination country: an instruction manual and
maintenance instructions for periodic inspections
a d repairs, all dra ted i
country of use of the product.
17. It is essential for operator safety that the supervisor
rst makes sure that the
guarantees a fall arrest force below 6 kN.
additio to all protectio e uipme t, it is esse tial
for the safety of the operator and supervisor that
they use perso al protecti e e uipme t such as
helmets, sa ety lasses, lo es a d sa ety shoes
when handling and using this product.
19. The product may only be used with the associated
e uipme t descri ed i this ma ual. See chapter
8. Associated e uipme t.
20. This product may only be used in the presence of at
least two operators.
21. Do not use more than two associated pieces of
e uipme t o the product at the same time.
22. ollow the com i atio s o associated e uipme t
permitted in this manual.
23. a
hile usi
se eral pieces o e uipme t
where the sa ety u ctio
interfere with the safety function of another.
24. or the operator s sa ety, it is esse tial that the
bracket is correctly positioned and mounted to
the Davimast mast and that work is done so as to
minimise the risk of falls.
25. or the operator s sa ety, a rescue pla must e i
place before each operation.
26. The maximum weight of the operator is 150 kg
for all brackets intended for use with PPE and for
use with a(n) (EN 360) Blocfor™
27. The minimum breaking strength of the supporting
structure o the Bloc or
base plate assembly is determined by applying a
mi imum orce o 1 k
the la
ua e o the
all arrest system
o o e may a ect or
20R and 30R fall
a imast a d
ertically a d hori o tally,