Checking the completeness and integrity
>> C heck the packing content by comparing it to the scope of delivery
regarding completeness and integrity.
Ensuring compatibility
Warning level
Tab. 14: Ensuring compatibility
Wall mounting
Warning level
Tab. 15: Wall mounting
safety instruction
Risk of material damage by improper
product combination
The specifications of all used products must
match or be within the s pecified range.
safety instruction
Risk of injury due to inappropriate
ambient conditions
Check the wall structure before installing
or choose a safe installation place.
Attend to live cables or other lines lying
behind plaster, and do not damage them!
Do not install the product to places with
direct sunlight or bright light. This contri-
butes to eye fatigue.
Risk of material damage by inappropri-
ate ambient conditions
Keep enough space around product and
to the whole system to ensure proper
ventilation and mobility.
Bid /
Bid / Ban