EN | Operating Instructions
Retighten the earthing lugs on ATEX-compliant fi lters
The earthing lugs on ATEX-compliant fi lters can loosen over the time.
The conductivity may then be impaired.
▶ Tighten the earthing lugs every 6 months.
Replacing fi lter element and housing O-ring
Replace the fi lter element every year, but at the latest with a differential pressure of
0.35 bar (0.6–0.8 bar for a high pressure fi lter). Also replace the housing O-ring.
Beware of damage due to inexpert handling!
Never use unsuitable tools to open and close the fi lter housings.
Never apply the tool to the thread area. The exerted force could
crush the thread; it would then be impossible to open the fi lter
Use a suitable open-ended spanner to open and close the fi lter if
possible. Apply the open-ended spanner to the square at the hous-
ing bottom. Use a similarly suitable tool, e.g. a strap wrench if an
open-ended spanner cannot be used. Apply the tool clearly below
the thread.
TGE fi lters
▶ Make the same preparations as described in section "Preparations" on page 10.
▶ Open the lock ring with a hook wrench and take the lower housing out of the
▶ Turn the fi lter element so that it is in release position, using the click-lock device,
and remove the fi lter element.
▶ Remove the housing O-ring and replace it with a new one.
▶ Insert new fi lter element and lock it in place.
▶ Apply a thin coat of grease on the housing threads before assembly if necessary.
Use only TG 1fn thread grease unless any other grease has been agreed upon in
the order!
▶ Make sure during assembly that
the O-rings are properly seated
the grease does not come into contact with O-rings and sealing surfaces.
▶ Insert the lower housing into the cap again and fasten it with the lock ring.
▶ For ATEX-compliant fi lters:
Ensure conductivity, test and document it.
▶ Check the housing for tightness.
Maintenance intervals and work
TGE 308-318