Gyro connection
Connect the gyro to the receiver and the tail servo (see fig.)
Neutral position adjustment
During startup, the gyro stores the servo neutral position. Leave the tail rotor stick in neutral position. Turn
on the transmitter and receiver, the gyro LED starts blinking during startup and stays lit when the startup
sequence is over, the gyro is now ready to use. Do not move the model or the transmitter sticks during the
startup sequence. Repeat this procedure each startup.
Gain setting
Gain/sensitivity can be adjusted between 0-100%. Through channel 5, this can be adjusted from the transmit-
ter. Sensitivity can be controlled with a slider or a switch. At 0%, the gyro sensitivty is at its minimum. A 100%
value gives the gyro its maximum gain.
The correct gain value depends on the model, servo and rotorspeed. High quality fast servo's will yield a
higher gain. Gain for the first flight should be around 75%.
Servo operation direction check
While moving the tail rotor control stick to the left, the tail rotorblades should move in the direction as shown.
If they move in the opposite direction, channel 4 should be reversed.
Fig. 6
N T- 3 1 0
Fig. 5
clockwise rotor
counterclockwise rotor
(ZOOM 400)