The capacity of the appliance depends on factors listed below:
Structure of potatoes
Environmental variety
Ambient temperature
Blend quality
7054.0005 / 7054.0025
7054.0010 / 7054.0030
7054.0015 / 7054.0035
7054.0020 / 7054.0040
7054.0005 model peels 10 kg potatoes in 3 minutes (average). It makes 200 kg per hour. 200 kg potatoes are
suitable for kitchens with a capacity of 500 portions. 7054.0010 peels 20 kg potatoes within 3 minutes; it makes
400 kg per hour which is suitable for kitchens with 500 + portions capacity.
The appliance is protected against various dangerous situations. The micro switch on the cover will stop the
appliance once it is opened. The control panel is separate from the housing and is attached to the cover.
Potato Quantity
10 kg
25 kg
35 kg
50 kg
Table 4 – Maximum Capacity
Avoid accumulation of water beneath the appliance.
In that case, the engine may blow or cause electric shock.
Operational safety increased by the micro switch.
Once the cover is opened the switch will stop the appliance.
Peeling time
Capacity / Hour
3-5 minutes
3-5 minutes
3-5 minutes
3-5 minutes
1000 kg / Hour
200 kg / Hour
500 kg / Hour
700 kg / Hour