Technical Information
Pin Functions
RTS / CTS are jumpered together on the Controller connector and
DTR is jumpered to DSR / DCD on IPCU connector. The DTE sees the
IPCU like a Standard MODEM.
Ion Pump Control Unit - Operator / Host Serial
The Controller Report and Operator/Host Command are ASCII
strings CR (0D hexadecimal, 13 decimal) terminated.
Default Communication Parameters are 9600 bits/sec, no parity,
8 bits data, 1 stop bit.
Usually the human interface of the controller is a terminal emulator
(Windows "HyperTerminal" communication program for example)
running on Personal Computer.
Software program on PC or PLC can use the same ASCII protocol
described below for human interface for doing automatic control and
monitoring of the controller.
Every 100 (min) to 1000 (max) msec, if the controller is in Report
mode (default), all the 2 Report strings made of 30 characters each,
corresponding to the 2 HV channels are sent by the IPCU.
The string is made of different length depending on the report tipe
selected for each HV channel (independently by the channel status).
A transmission from the external PC, turns the IPCU to the
Command Mode.
To go back to the Report Mode complete the command string with CR
(0x0D) or ESC (0x1B).
Every single received character is Echoed back in order to allow a
control by the operator.
Ion Pumps Control Unit (No Battery) User Manual / 87-900-123-01 (B)