The SOPROLIFE should be sent to us in its totality (connection box, handpiece, cables). Please enclose your
packing list with a brief explanatory note relative to the noticed defect.
If some parts constituting SOPROLIFE happen to break, it is imperative to send in everything so that the
defective parts can be replaced.
When your material is returned to you, you should check its condition and note any discrepancies on the delivery
slip, if necessary. You will then have 48 hours to confirm by registered letter sent to the carrier. After 48 hours,
the carrier will be able to deny these discrepancies.
If any material we sent was damaged during transportation, the repair charges will be billed either to the carrier
(if the discrepancies were made within the period) or to the recipient. Check as soon as possible that all
material is correctly working.
S O P R O L I F E • U s e r ' s m a n u a l