yourself. The various seams and lines are made with great precision,
and, for this reason, only the manufacturer or an authorised service
centre may fit identical replacement parts or replace entire cells. Ex-
ceptions to this rule are the replacement of lines and the repair of
small tears (up to 5 cm) or holes in the fabric that may be glued with
the self-adhesive ripstop included in the repair kit. After a repair or the
replacement of a line, the glider must always be opened out and
checked on the ground before the next flight.
Environmental protection plays an important role in the selection of
materials and the manufacture of an ADVANCE product. We use only
non-toxic materials that are subjected to continuous quality and env-
ironmental impact assessments. When your paraglider reaches the
end of its useful life in a number of years' time, please remove all me-
tal parts and dispose of the lines, canopy and risers in a waste incin-
eration plant.