Accuracy class
Number of verification scale intervals
Further essential characteristics are described in the certificates involved.
The data plate is secured against removal by sealing or will be destroyed when removed.
The inscriptions Max, Min, e, as required by Directive 2014/31/EU Annex III point 1.4 are presented in
the display by software or on a label near the display.
The non-automatic weighing instrument may be equipped with peripheral equipment which is used
for the applications listed in Article 1(2), (a) to (f) of Directive 2014/31/EU, provided that the
peripheral equipment is certified to be connected to a non-automatic weighing instrument by a
Notified Body responsible for type examination under Directive 2014/31/EU, or, that the equipment
and the use of the equipment complies with the requirements of WELMEC 2.5 Issue 2 clause 2.2.
The non-automatic weighing instrument is fitted with a levelling device and a level indicator, unless
the instrument is installed in a fixed position. A ring on the level indicator indicates when the
maximum tilt is exceeded.
The non-automatic weighing instrument may be connected to non-essential devices, for example
but not limited to bar code readers, foot switches, second displays and cash drawers, provided that:
To secure components that may not be dismantled or adjusted by the user, the non-automatic
weighing instrument has to be secured in a suitable manner on the locations indicated in the
certificates involved.
The connecting cable of the load cell or the junction box is provided with the possibility to seal.
Midrics 1/2
Essential characteristics
Essential shapes
Conditional parts
Non-essential parts
They do not present primary data used for purposes mentioned in Article 1(2), (a) to (f) of
Directive 2014/31/EU unless the "Preliminary observation" in Annex I of the Directive is satisfied;
They do not lead to an instrument having other essential characteristics than those fixed by this
D e s c r i p t i o n
Number T11379 revision 0
Project number 1902516
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n ≤ number of scale intervals in the
certificates involved