To return the outboard motor to the nor-
mal running position, press the power
trim and tilt switch and slowly tilt the out-
board motor down.
Operating in other conditions
Operating in salt water
After operating in saltwater, brackish water,
or water high in other minerals, flush the cool-
ing system with fresh water to minimize cor-
rosion and clogging of the cooling water
passages with deposits. Also, rinse the exte-
rior of the outboard motor with fresh water.
Operating in water containing mud, sand,
silt, debris, or vegetation
Mud, sand, silt, debris, and vegetation in the
water may restrict water flow into the cooling
water inlet covers or clog internal water pas-
sages. Check and clean the cooling water in-
let covers frequently when operating in these
conditions. Flush the engine with clean, fresh
water after use in these environments. Con-
sult your dealer if normal water flow can not
be restored by cleaning the cooling water in-
let covers or flushing with fresh water.